Example sentences of "those which [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These problems , and those which surround the major role-reversal , frequently remain unconsidered and undiscussed within families , thereby enabling problems to grow until they reach the stage of ‘ granny bashing ’ or ‘ granny dumping ’ when care is withdrawn , and even family breakdown occurs .
2 In Ceylon , stations ranged from those which served the elegant bungalow coastal suburbs of Colombo and those used by Europeans seeking refreshment at the hill stations or at Mount Lavinia to special ‘ coolie ’ stations , where the Tamil labour migrants introduced from South India to the tea plantations could be detrained and kept in quarantine until health requirements could be met .
3 The least successful schools were those which implemented the minimum programme asked for by GIST : administration of questionnaires to children , allowing women visitors into the school and piloting , more or less reluctantly , teaching materials devised by the team .
4 Policy remains in the hands of people who do not have disabilities and who are frequently so far on the other side of the experiential divide between people with and without disabilities that ‘ objective policies ’ — that is , those which ignore the experiential divide — simply serve to reinforce the notion of disability rather than the values and abilities of those who are different .
5 To subvert them would be to incite peasant revolts even more threatening than those which punctuated the eighteenth century .
6 However , other schemes , including those which replaced the old apprenticeship training , do lead to jobs for which preliminary training is required and in these motivation can be very high .
7 Weber was aware that the development of capitalism not only necessitated the bureaucratization of organizations , particularly those which formed the administrative apparatus of the state .
8 It will distinguish between different types of spatial tasks with different cognitive demands , for example , those which require the mental rotation of objects in three dimensions and those which require the manual assembly of spatial designs .
9 It will distinguish between different types of spatial tasks with different cognitive demands , for example , those which require the mental rotation of objects in three dimensions and those which require the manual assembly of spatial designs .
10 This does not mean that conventional men of intelligence and ability thought that either science or society had solved all problems , though in some respects , such as those which concerned the basic pattern of an economy and the basic pattern of the physical universe , some very able ones felt that all substantial ones had been solved .
11 Where it occurs on open land , bird species characteristic of open country are replaced by those which prefer the limited cover afforded by young trees and are in turn replaced , as the forest matures , by those species which are forest dwellers ( Bibby 1987 ) .
12 These circumstances are not comparable to those which determine the Soviet outlook on Asia in the mid 1980s .
13 Since they are the products of continuous evolution , the practices which survive are those which enhance the reproductive fitness of those groups .
14 To illustrate Jakobson 's approach to these texts , let us take his analysis ( with L.G. Jones ) of Shakespeare 's Sonnet cxxix , ‘ Th'Expence of Spirit ’ ( 1970 ) : The analysis considers in turn the following relationships of equivalence and contrast ( which evidently depends on and emphasizes equivalence ) in the poem ( the spelling and punctuation follow the first edition ) : ( 1 ) those which oppose the first seven lines to the last seven ; ( 2 ) those which are constant features of the text as a whole ; ( 3 ) those which oppose strophes I and III to II and IV ; ( 4 ) those which oppose strophes I and IV to ( I and III ( the outer and the inner ) ; ( 5 ) those which oppose strophes I and II to III and IV ; ( 6 ) those which oppose the final couplet to the rest of the poem ; and ( 7 ) those which oppose the middle couplet ( lines 7 and 8 ) to the rest of the poem .
15 To illustrate Jakobson 's approach to these texts , let us take his analysis ( with L.G. Jones ) of Shakespeare 's Sonnet cxxix , ‘ Th'Expence of Spirit ’ ( 1970 ) : The analysis considers in turn the following relationships of equivalence and contrast ( which evidently depends on and emphasizes equivalence ) in the poem ( the spelling and punctuation follow the first edition ) : ( 1 ) those which oppose the first seven lines to the last seven ; ( 2 ) those which are constant features of the text as a whole ; ( 3 ) those which oppose strophes I and III to II and IV ; ( 4 ) those which oppose strophes I and IV to ( I and III ( the outer and the inner ) ; ( 5 ) those which oppose strophes I and II to III and IV ; ( 6 ) those which oppose the final couplet to the rest of the poem ; and ( 7 ) those which oppose the middle couplet ( lines 7 and 8 ) to the rest of the poem .
16 Those which have the single ring on the hood are found in Assam and Eastern India , and spit venom like the Ringhals Cobra of South Africa which can eject a spray for a distance of 6 to 8 feet and cause severe eye pain , sometimes blindness .
17 If we concentrate only on Japan and the East Asian NICs , the choices , although somewhat inchoate between national strategies , do appear to have some common elements oriented towards re-casting the organizational and industrial relations arena in terms consonant with those which marked the 1980s revival of neo-conservative liberal analysis .
18 Spider venoms fall into two main categories : those which affect the nervous system ( neurotoxins ) and those that produce a necrosis , or death of the body tissues .
19 The statement that the actions we ought to do are those which promote the general happiness would be useless if it meant nothing more than that they do promote it , and that something more can only be given by an intuition .
20 We can not exercise caution unless we know how to interpret such findings in terms of actual conditions , other than those which define the relative validity of these findings .
21 The distinction , termed ‘ polarisation ’ was deemed necessary to make more transparent to customers the possible ties of their advisers , and to eliminate the ability of an intermediary to pass off as an independent adviser yet suggest the policies of the advisers ' own company ( or those which provide the highest commission ) .
22 Davies ' description provides additional information and the writer has taken the liberty to amalgamate those which concern the 6th Work :
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