Example sentences of "even [adv] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The RUC was excluded from policy making on security and even most administrative decisions of consequence .
2 The PE department sent pupils who turned up with inadequate kit , by contrast , other teachers would not send even obviously disruptive pupils for fear of causing their suspension .
3 Even apparently subversive convulsions like punk ended up encouraging rock 's incursions into all sectors of modern consumerism , and so the music 's press coverage has altered accordingly .
4 Mr Wiggins added he would rather have seen road fund duty — raised from £110 to £125 — scrapped and replaced with even more substantial hikes in petrol prices than the 12p a gallon ( unleaded ) and 15p ( leaded ) set yesterday .
5 Moreover , other cultures , such as those of Africa , have had to wait until even more recent times for recognition .
6 And a much more substantial prospect is to be found in continental Europe , where the German worker is assiduously pricing himself out of the market — and far from the Ossies pricing themselves into jobs lost by the Wessies , the former East Germans are insisting on even more uneconomic wages in relation to their skills and capabilities .
7 All this achieved was to take on the even more serious problems of behaviourism itself .
8 Furthermore , because a substantial section of this criminalized population is stigmatized and discriminated against , particularly in the field of employment , its reproduction is secured ; many of them , out of resentment , injustice , or desperation , turn to more persistent and even more serious forms of crime .
9 Richard K. Benjamin , now at the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden in California , and Leland Shanor of Florida University found even more dramatic examples of position specificity in the distributions of Laboulbenia species in carabid beetles .
10 Even more exciting changes of éaulement can be found in Ashton 's Birthday Offering where each soloist dances an old step at a new angle , without breaking the rules or older conventions of nineteenth-century ballet .
11 The matching poem of the pair ( 40 ) performs even more dazzling feats of Self/Other identification : But from this fairly innocuous interchange of terms the mood darkens , as can be seen most economically by isolating the rhyme-words of the next two quatrains : ‘ receivest — usest — deceivest — refusest — thief — poverty — grief — injury ’ .
12 The new policy meant , however , that popular branded drugs like Mogadon , Valium , Librium , Dalmane and Benylin could not be prescribed under the health service — not to mention Beecham 's Pills , Alka Seltzer , Andrew 's Liver Salts , Vick 's Vapour Rub and even more exotic preparations like Rock Salmon cough mixture and Male Gland Double Strength Supplement tablets .
13 The Aquitanian chronicler Adémar of Chabannes says that Cnut sent Duke William the Great of Aquitaine yearly embassies with costly gifts , and received even more costly ones in return .
14 ‘ There is no choice but to take an ugly and difficult decision to avert an even greater injustice , and those who cry halt and say there must be some other way , even though every conceivable way has been sought , would carry the responsibility for the even more catastrophic consequences of inaction , ’ he added .
15 Delamont and Galton ( 1987 ) think that arts teachers may be attempting to overcome the low esteem in which their work is held by other teachers by adopting even more rigorous practices of pupil work assignment and evaluation than is to be observed in the practices of teachers in other areas of study thereby establishing their academic credibility .
16 But even under optimal conditions in captivity , we see very different potential lifespans in organisms that do not seem to differ in their risk of damage , showing that the degree of ageing has evolved .
17 The students not only tore down the separate ‘ Ladies ’ and ‘ Gentlemen ’ notices from the lavatories … but they even painted out the distinction between first floor and second , between second and third and so on : even purely functional classifications of space had to go , just as the watches and clocks had to be discarded in order to free time .
18 My position therefore is that even seemingly untheoretical statements about family law of a common-sensical and pragmatic mode are based on theory .
19 We have had children trying to buy all kinds of intoxicants , even seemingly harmless things like cycle repair kits . ’
20 Again , it has been demonstrated that even quite low levels of lead interfere with body processes .
21 Even quite ordinary forms of stress can have an exaggerated effect on an irritable bowel .
22 Tumin suggests , however , that even relatively open systems of stratification erect barriers to the motivation and recruitment of talent .
23 As in the longer experiment , the subjects tended to sleep less during a three-month follow-up , indicating that even relatively short periods of training may be sufficient to reduce sleep requirements by an hour or so in individuals who wish to do so .
24 Pupils in the UK and USA , taking even very elementary courses in biology and zoology , were taught the skill .
25 They found that even very small dosages of fluoride may cause ‘ normal ’ blood fluoride levels to surge to potentially harmful values .
26 We can legitimately think of an ants nest as a civilization : its members carry out highly specific or even very generalized tasks in pursuit of the common good .
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