Example sentences of "even [conj] [pron] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear from the right hon. Gentleman 's first attempt to amend regulation 72 that the Government 's motive is to save money and administration — the motive is so absolutely blatant that I am amazed that even the Parliamentary Under-Secretary , whose eccentricities are well known , could not deny the obvious — while , at the same time , blocking or restricting back payments of entitlement , even where there has been official error .
2 They did n't just acknowledge gracefully that they 'd been beaten , or perhaps even that they had been wrong , and welcome their Reporter back .
3 Most heads of departments and senior staff were favourable to the idea of the appraisal , even if they had been put-off initially .
4 Even if they had been willing to rely on relatives , they could not do so ( Anderson , 1977 ) .
5 The consensus was overwhelming , but Shaughnessy could call none of his informants to the witness stand , even if they had been willing to testify , because almost everything they had told him — no matter how detailed and how well corroborated by information from other independent sources — would have been ruled out as inadmissible hearsay .
6 He has also observed that an immediate cause of the creation of this new duty of the judges was the royal mandate which ordered the Court of Common Pleas to remain stationary at Westminster instead of perambulating the country in attendance on the King , and the subsequent disinclination of the serjeants , even if they had been sufficient in number , to absent themselves from the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster in order to attend the King 's Court during its perambulatory travels .
7 Nozick suggests that the reason why we take the justified true beliefs in those examples not to have been known is that a would have believed them even if they had been false .
8 Even if they had been eager to serve , these landowners could be no more than part-time soldiers .
9 This means that not only can aspiring professionals come back to play in the Home Internationals afterwards , even if they have been successful , but also that they are in a position to change their minds if successful .
10 After all , he was a serving liaison officer between the CIA and the White House , even if he had been little more than a sleeper for several years .
11 Even if he had been able to fix the damage , Manville had no desire to drive through the streets of Washington with the slogan ‘ Fuck U Honkies ’ sprayed in bright red aerosol paint on the ice-blue hood of the Ford .
12 But he could not move and , even if he had been able to , he knew that the Robemaker could fell him in a breath-space by sorcery .
13 Richard had never done anything like this , nor would he : even if he had been unfaithful to me — though as far as I knew , he never had — he would never humiliate me publicly .
14 Even if he had been aware of the presence , the darkness would have prevented him seeing the man who watched his flat .
15 He is saying that it would have been unlawful to honour the patient 's request , even if he had been willing to do so .
16 I did not question him because I knew he would be unable to describe what and how he felt , even if he had been willing to do so .
17 It appears to me that the arguments which I have heard involve the consideration of three separate questions , namely : ( 1 ) does the ex turpi causa maxim and its related rules ( which I will refer to as ‘ the ex turpi causa defence ’ ) afford a defence to a claim for contribution under the Act of 1978 ? ( 2 ) If the ex turpi causa defence is capable of so applying , can it be said , with the degree of certainty necessary for a striking out order to be made , that the defence will exclude any contribution from the third party in the circumstances of this case ? ( 3 ) Leaving aside the ex turpi causa defence , can it be said with the necessary degree of certainty that the court will , under section 2(1) and ( 2 ) of the Act of 1978 , exempt the third party from liability to make contribution even if he has been negligent in the performance of some duty of care owed to the plaintiffs ?
18 I could have run away , but I had no money and , even if I had been able to borrow it , I should still have been too frightened because I had nowhere to run to .
19 But as we made our way down through the trees , I realized that even if I 'd been better at baling I could never have carried that load : my forehead hurt , my neck felt stiff and strained , and the pine-needles on the path , compressed and polished by thousands of feet , were as slippery as glass .
20 I was never really happy about the explanation but I had no proof of my own misgivings about it and anyway I would n't have known where to start looking even if I 'd been convinced then that she was alive . ’
21 ‘ They would n't have taken 'im even if I 'd been willing to part with 'im , me being a widow .
22 There were no landmarks , no features by which they could determine their position even if it had been light enough to see them .
23 There is every reason to believe that he would have pursued his policy even if it had been unpopular ( as it temporarily became in 1967 ) .
24 Even so , the potential gain from a lower rate — even if it had been negotiable through the International Monetary Fund — is not easy to estimate because of the problems of relative elasticities of demand for both exports and imports and the problem of the cost effects of higher import prices , not least as they would have affected wage bargaining [ Ball , 1967 ] .
25 The reason why Henry 's belief that McEnroe is this year 's champion was too lucky or too luckily true to count as knowledge is that his route to this lucky truth was such that even if it had been false , he would still have ended up believing it .
26 The theory gives an account of what it is for a belief to be luckily true , as follows : the extent to which a 's belief is luckily true is the extent to which even if it had been false , a would still have believed it , or if it were in changed circumstances still true , he would still believe it .
27 In any case , she was too scared to go back to sleep even if she had been able to .
28 But without her virtue , even if she had been beautiful , she would n't have been worth the weight of her little toe in dross .
29 Even if there had been such an agreement , there was nothing to stop the board getting rid of Mr Venables if it wished , said Mr Heslop .
30 The reaction to the discovery , that it would mean that there would be no need of the Icelandic fishing grounds in future , makes it fairly certain that even if there had been accidental sightings of the New World before that date , no systematic attempts had been made to explore it further nor to exploit the resources of the Newfoundland Banks ( 45 , pp.214–16 ) .
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