Example sentences of "after a [adj] [noun] ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Afterwards , however , he admitted to still feeling ‘ used up ’ after a poor night 's sleep .
2 After a poor night 's sleep , punctured by weird dreams from which she emerged coughing and aching in every joint , Julia woke on Monday morning to a suspicion that she might be really ill .
3 ‘ We 're both obviously suffering from jet-lag , and we 'll feel a lot better after a decent night 's sleep . ’
4 Once a patrician villa , a small terrace in the gardens provides a lush , flower-bedecked retreat after a hectic day 's sightseeing and , within , marble pillars , frescoes and high , painted ceilings remain from former times in the public rooms .
5 We have just arrived in Peking after a long day 's travel .
6 And after a long day 's walking , what better way to end it than with a glass of cider in one of St Ives ' treasures — The Three Ferrets .
7 After a long day 's hearing , such as obviously took place here , that might be the sensible thing to do so that the court is not producing these important findings and reasons under pressure .
8 Food never tastes so good as it does after a long day 's hike .
9 ‘ We were benighted after a long day 's ride to Rannoch , ordering floor timber for the mill . ’
10 Here in the great saloon , light and airy with its tall mullioned windows facing north and south , its smart bolection moulding around the panelling and its groaning tables of food , the men would congregate and feast after a long morning 's deer hunting in the park .
11 After a long morning 's work in midsummer , he had eaten and then leaned back to take a short sleep .
12 The view was doubly breath-taking firstly because we were now at 13,000ft ( 4000m ) and , after a long morning 's walk were beginning to feel the effects of the thin air ; and secondly because the vista before us was absolutely astounding .
13 Whilst missioner in Cambridgeshire — after a five years ' spell in Oxford he began to — read seriously and painstakingly — and , though untutored and without the benefit of lectures , he gained a degree in Classics at Cambridge University .
14 He blinked and stretched , feeling relaxed and contented after a good night 's sleep , although there was a bitterness at the back of his throat .
15 After a good night 's sleep in a top class hotel it is back on board on Sunday morning .
16 It is easier when you are feeling fresh and alert after a good night 's sleep than at the end of a busy day , easier for short periods than for long periods .
17 I was lucky — after a good night 's sleep the blindness disappeared .
18 You 'll realise the sense of that after a good night 's sleep . ’
19 I 'll probably feel better after a good night 's sleep . ’
20 After a good night 's sleep , we arrived at breakfast with about 15 minutes to spare , and eventually set off for Hungary where we were due to stay the night with a Weymouth girl married to a Hungarian and is living in Gyor .
21 After a good night 's sleep in the spacious suites , they should be in an excellent frame of mind for the next day 's play .
22 After the treatment , I did feel refreshed rather like waking up after a good night 's sleep .
23 The sun streamed through the horn-glazed windows and Bonaventure stretched out , relaxing after a good night 's hunting .
24 After a good day 's fishing he persuaded me to spend the night at Fullcircle .
25 But , after a glorious day 's exploring , by the time we turned for home the weather had become very wild , and as we approached the first barrier , waves were breaking fiercely over the road .
26 Despite his injuries , he burned the candle furiously at both ends ; often , after a heavy day 's fighting , he would roar up to Paris , 150 miles away , in his huge open sports car , then return after a night of carousal and heavy drinking to fly a dawn patrol .
27 After a few hours ' walking along the ridge we could clearly see Koitobos , one of the peaks surrounding the crater rim — a long , flat-topped buttress with a steep cone at one end , composed of large , dark brown , vertical columns .
28 After a few hours ' rest I had something to eat .
29 I asked him to write down what he liked about the skinhead style and , after a few moments ' thought , he dashed off the above .
30 Fabia saw no point in butting in to comment that she had in fact come very close to doing that very thing , and after a few moments ' pause Ven went on , ‘ I knew I 'd bruised your pride , but that had been necessary when my desire for you had threatened to blot out reason .
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