Example sentences of "after [art] few [noun] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hari had remained in the cemetery long after the few neighbours who had attended Win Morgan 's funeral had gone .
2 But I had to keep stopping to peer at the pages , so after a few attempts I gave up .
3 After a few attempts I found I was turning like Robby Naish for the first part of the turn , then falling in on the inside of the turn .
4 But after a few notes she stopped and turned round on her stool to face me .
5 But after a few hours it became hard to disguise .
6 After a few moments which allowed her to gather her thoughts , she replied in a quiet , even voice :
7 After a few moments we realize why .
8 Their arguments were faultless and after a few moments I felt myself drowning in doubt , drowning in the time trap surrounding the area .
9 He disappeared into the stable and after a few moments I peeped inside .
10 His presence inhibited her , completely destroying the pleasant atmosphere which had prevailed between Rob and herself , and after a few moments she took no part in the talk , merely listening with interest to Rob 's account of his holiday .
11 After a few moments she said , ‘ My God , I think he 's dead . ’
12 After a few moments she had relaxed fully , her apprehension shrivelled by the atmosphere of friendliness and laughter .
13 After a few moments she climbed down to the space station and ran off in the opposite direction to the shapechanger .
14 After a few moments he began walking , pausing once to look up at the grand facade of the Shelbourne .
15 After a few moments he realized they were flying on an interception course .
16 After a few moments he returned .
17 After a few moments he said calmly , ‘ Now , Jane , be sensible .
18 After a few minutes we watched them crossing the field , alongside the hedgerow .
19 After a few minutes they passed the first of the estate workers ' cottages , two storey , stone-built , and around three hundred years old .
20 At first chicks peck at both food and pebbles about equally , but after a few minutes they learn the difference and thereafter pick up the food and avoid the pebbles ( especially if the latter are glued to the floor ! ) .
21 At first she pulled back , but after a few minutes she relaxed a little .
22 After a few minutes she noticed a certain cunning softness replacing the apprehension of his expression , and her heart began to beat a little faster .
23 After a few minutes she said , ‘ Oh , I nearly forgot the valentine card I bought yesterday ! ’
24 Bella always tries , but after a few minutes she burst into tears and would never go near that room again .
25 They headed north , and after a few minutes she began to think she might actually survive .
26 After a few minutes she returned .
27 After a few minutes she went out and Quigley came in , waving a piece of paper .
28 After a few minutes she stopped watching them .
29 After a few minutes she decided to take another two tables and then continued taking two at a time until she had swallowed about 30 .
30 She made it back to her office and sank into her chair ; but after a few minutes she sat up , combed her hair and decided to go home .
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