Example sentences of "after [art] [adj] [noun pl] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , I C I , Ingaselectric , A E I , all the big firms , all the er coal mines , all the British Rail , well British Rail in those days , and these large firms trained large numbers of apprentices and then after the five years they tipped you out , I 'm sorry I 'm going back a long while , into what they call an improver status and then you could either come back to the firm or you could go , stay where you were .
2 At the same time , one must remember that there were other aspects of the economy which were virtually unaffected by war ; one sees this in the growth of the mining interest in the North-east , and most conspicuously in the continuation of trading connections with areas even after the political ties which had created them had been broken .
3 Tolstoy wrote ‘ War and Peace ’ several decades after the Napoleonic battles he described .
4 After the usual pleasantries he took Mark along one of the labyrinth of corridors flanked with busts of the famous , and stopped before a heavy oak-panelled door attended by a liveried usher .
5 But Sgt Hinde , 37 , ran after the four men who fled from the Nissan .
6 The majority had no wish to stop work , particularly after the great strides which had been made in recent months , but they were n't going to be sat on either .
7 AFTER the strange events which took me to the West African desert , I needed a spell at sea .
8 After the two weeks I spent at Soundback Studios in Ipswich I was sorry to leave .
9 One hurricane was much the same as another to me after the two weeks I 'd just had , and I slept right through it .
10 Mr Day had been with the club since the heady days of the Wembley play offs and he brought to the club new hope in the shape of player manager , Glenn Hoddle after the financial scandles which shook the County Ground .
11 ‘ Well , after the potted shrimps we had the beef — and very good it was , too .
12 Not the least fascinating aspect of the story , which broke the day after France 's quarter final defeat by Switzerland — and barely three months after the memorable celebrations which had accompanied their winning of the trophy for the first time in 59 years — was that although Noah 's decision was said to have been known to his players and coaches several weeks earlier , no-one apparently bothered to tell French Tennis president , Philippe Chatrier .
13 A line of the malabars , named after the Indian immigrants who had brought them to the colony , had been drawn up under the trees in the square outside the Continental Palace Hotel when they emerged to go to Cholon with Jacques and Paul Devraux to buy the last of their hunting supplies .
14 But she supposed she should n't be surprised , after the angry words they 'd exchanged .
15 Th this type of thing until the , after the three months we had to pass an exam .
16 After the initial excesses which followed the reoccupation of Belgrade , the grand vizier declared an amnesty , and many Serbs who had fled into the hills and the impenetrable oak forests of Šumadija returned to their homes .
17 Certainly if players such as Edberg , involved in the final stages of the Australian Open , felt even remotely like I did after the 31 hours it took me to arrive home from Melbourne before leaving on another seven hour journey to Bayonne less than 24 hours later , then it is no wonder that many of them are unable to do justice either to themselves or their countries in Davis Cup competition , as things stand .
18 It was going to be a present for herself , a comfort after the bad things she had endured .
19 Hari had remained in the cemetery long after the few neighbours who had attended Win Morgan 's funeral had gone .
20 But I had to keep stopping to peer at the pages , so after a few attempts I gave up .
21 After a few attempts I found I was turning like Robby Naish for the first part of the turn , then falling in on the inside of the turn .
22 But after a few notes she stopped and turned round on her stool to face me .
23 But after a few hours it became hard to disguise .
24 After a few moments which allowed her to gather her thoughts , she replied in a quiet , even voice :
25 Their arguments were faultless and after a few moments I felt myself drowning in doubt , drowning in the time trap surrounding the area .
26 He disappeared into the stable and after a few moments I peeped inside .
27 His presence inhibited her , completely destroying the pleasant atmosphere which had prevailed between Rob and herself , and after a few moments she took no part in the talk , merely listening with interest to Rob 's account of his holiday .
28 After a few moments she said , ‘ My God , I think he 's dead . ’
29 After a few moments she had relaxed fully , her apprehension shrivelled by the atmosphere of friendliness and laughter .
30 After a few moments she climbed down to the space station and ran off in the opposite direction to the shapechanger .
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