Example sentences of "between [art] two [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The improved accuracy of the laser measurements reveals that along an isotopic chain the radius of the nuclear charge does not vary smoothly but shows a saw-tooth effect with a nucleus with odd mass number often lying below the straight line between the two adjacent nuclei with even mass number .
2 ( A pause , while Charles tried , according to the best Stanislavskian method , to give the impression of a man torn between the two great motives of his life — love of money and fear of scandal . )
3 Political activity is often divided between the two other spheres of civil society .
4 Verkhovensky has courage ( though in its lower forms of which Plato speaks ) , but otherwise there is nothing in common between the two young men except the times they live in .
5 Indeed , I , I mean there , there is a , a great difference of opinion between the two political parties on how the Health Service er should be organised .
6 The Law Commission , which first suggested the introduction of the AJR , contemplated that applicants would have a free choice between the two procedural paths in cases where both were available on the facts of the case .
7 It was the highest level of direct contact between the two Korean states since their formation in 1948 , and was the first official border crossing since September 1985 , when family reunions had been arranged under the auspices of the Red Cross [ see pp. 34165-66 ] .
8 With the war of words between the two largest republics of the former Soviet Union reaching dangerous levels , Mr Yeltsin 's deputy , Mr Alexander Rutskoy , warned that if Kiev pressed its claims on the fleet , Russia would re-examine the status of the Crimean peninsula , where it is based .
9 With the war of words between the two largest republics of the former Soviet Union reaching dangerous levels , Mr Yeltsin 's deputy , Mr Alexander Rutskoy , warned that if Kiev pressed its claims on the fleet , Russia would re-examine the status of the Crimean peninsula , where it is based .
10 In his Golden Bough Sir James Frazer had difficulty in making up his mind between the two rival theories of the fire-cults and fire-festivals which are found intimately connected with the agricultural year throughout those parts of the world where the sun is neither so bright nor so constant as in the cloudless skies of Egypt .
11 Beginners sometimes get confused between the two polite ways of addressing a judge — ‘ My Lord ’ and ‘ Your lordship . ’
12 This allowed them to distinguish between the two separate processes of adsorption of viruses onto cells , and actual entry into the cells .
13 Hostility and suspicion between the two ethnic groups in Krajina escalated ; Croatian President Tudjman and his right-wing following became more vocal and anti-Serb , and remained adamant that Croatia would not cede Krajina to Serbia .
14 ( Diastema being a gap between the two front teeth of at least two millimetres ) ; The Association of Aardvark Aficionados ; and Sarcastics Anonymous — devoted to individuals who alienate others through the inappropriate use of sarcastic remarks .
15 As the engine was warm , a single prime and a turn of the key got us turning and burning and we completed the pre-taxi cockpit chores of plugging in headsets ( sensibly , the sockets are located between the two front seats at elbow level , obviating tangles with any controls ) and latching the doors .
16 Meanwhile Scheer , who had now decided to reduce the gap between the two German fleets to a mere 32km/20mls , would be close behind and in position also to strike at the outnumbered Beatty .
17 The joint statement underlined the importance of good neighbourly relations between the two German states for the stability of Europe and their contribution to a ‘ new European architecture ’ .
18 Moderate land reform was a cau cautious approach in in that how that the communists had to maintain a fragile balanc balance between the two fundamental aims of the maintenance of support and the increase of production .
19 Arber et al argue that some important issues have been clouded by a failure in the literature to distinguish between the two different types of household structure : old living with old , and younger living with old .
20 You can choose between the two different batteries for the Convertible , the lighter A cell type gives around two hours use , while the heavier , larger C cell will keep going for over three .
21 committee did draw distinction between the two different kinds of schemes , erm perhaps if I could just ask you what do you think of the committee the Good reports er conclusion on training for trustees where they er the recommendation was that it was a laudable objective , but should not be made compulsory ?
22 In a second-round run-off on Jan. 6 between the two leading candidates for the presidency , Jorge Serrano Elias of the Solidarity Action Movement ( MAS ) emerged as the clear winner with 936,338 votes ( 68 per cent ) , while Jorge Carpio Nicolle , the candidate of the National Centrist Union ( UCN ) , won 438,990 ( 32 per cent ) .
23 None emerged with the necessary overall majority , however , and in the absence of agreement on a national unity government a second round run-off between the two leading candidates on Jan. 6 would be necessary , with the new President due to take office on Jan. 14 , 1991 .
24 Superficially , the act of controlling for a variable which intervenes between the two original variables of interest is much the same .
25 And the first one you will encounter as a first-time buyer is the choice between the two basic types of loan — repayment and endowment .
26 Mr Ryzhkov made plain the government would steer a middle course between the two extreme strategies on offer — unbridled market economics and a return to the discredited command economy of the Stalin and Brezhnev eras , buttressed in the current emergency by a broad price freeze .
27 The beginning of the story is recorded in a minute exchanged between the two dominant figures in post-war Whitehall , Sir Edward Bridges , Head of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary to the Treasury , and Sir Norman Brook , Secretary of the Cabinet .
28 This is hardly surprising , since most villages have long occupied the middle ground between nomadic traditions and the evolving sophistication of the towns , often acting as a buffer between the two alien ways of life .
29 Mosley 's ideas and critique of the Gold Standard were better thought out than Kitson 's and derived mainly from Keynes , but they nevertheless provide the one tangible link between the two main traditions of British fascism .
30 The choice between the two main approaches to forecasting demand for HE — aggregate and component — is often dictated by the availability of data which also affects whether the university and other sectors should be treated separately .
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