Example sentences of "our [noun] [prep] the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Between 150 and 200 prospective customers visited our stand on the first morning , ’ says Patrick Fitz-Gibbon , public affairs manager with Unipart , who organized the event .
2 Table 2.2 demonstrates changes over the seventeen years to 1987 : western Europe took over half our exports for the first time in recent history ; by 1987 , the EC alone took virtually half , and most other destinations , except for North America , had declined in relative importance .
3 Creditor business continues to be influenced by high levels of unemployment but rating action taken has resulted in an improving trend and this has been confirmed by our experience in the first quarter of 1993 .
4 Some of the rapids were as difficult as those that had been our undoing on the first day , but tackled with a bit of newly learned skill they were challenging and exhilarating rather than terrifying .
5 After that I do n't remember very much , except that in our ecstasy the fatal word ‘ love ’ passed our lips for the first time .
6 Even with such a drastic cut , we estimated our losses for the first year as being in the region of £148,000 .
7 Venables added : ‘ It is unfair that the stigma of being a cheat was attached to Gordon and to our club in the first place , especially when you consider some of the play-acting that goes on abroad . ’
8 In that different method we frame our question in the first instance as a question about corporate responsibility .
9 The next day we spent the forenoon ashore at Smeerenburg looking at the remains of the old Dutch whaling-station , and setting our feet for the first time on the Spitsbergen tundra .
10 Morrison East is now well poised to make a profitable contribution to our business for the first time .
11 we 've achieved our er our aim in the first half of the seminar .
12 It just means that we would like that because we know we 've covered all our costs in the first year and the second year is nice profit .
13 Meanwhile , our heroes of the first encounter have dashed across to challenge another .
14 God introduces us to our true selves , so that we come to recognize ourselves , and our God for the first time .
15 Our advice for the first launch is — hands together , arms outstretched ( but never above your head as is so often attempted by first time flyers ) and as the kite rises , sustain an even line tension .
16 Yes but it was our mistake in the first place .
17 Our objective in the first part of this chapter is to combine these pieces of analysis and so derive a more general model ( developed originally by J.R .
18 We were getting paid our pensions on the first week of Nove November .
19 All I want is the truth , the real reason why you decided to come here , why you suggested that we try to ease our differences in the first place . ’
20 ‘ We 're trying to package that with Sony , using our anthology as the first example of the technology .
21 Nevertheless , a number of factors can be briefly identified which explain why it makes sense to stop our account of the first age of party in 1715 .
22 Resembling the proverbial Cheshire Cat , SDR General Manager Richard Elliott commented : ‘ I 'm delighted to have ‘ City of Truro ’ on our railway for the first time .
23 When newly awakened from lively dreams , we are so near them , still agitated by them , still in their sphere — give us one syllable , one feature , one hint , and we should repossess the whole ; hours of this strange entertainment would come trooping back to us ; but we can not get our hand on the first link or fibre , and the whole is lost .
24 ‘ But what I ca n't understand is why they did n't just take our project in the first place .
25 It 's taken a year for Central to bring the show to our screens from the first talks with Tom in the USA .
26 This removed our interest in the first phase of the proposed Super-SARA programme .
27 This thing , about involving our chap in the first place , not your style , at all . ’
28 It was partly because he was tired and unhappy , leaving home and our mother for the first time … ’
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