Example sentences of "way [prep] [verb] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The park , unlikely though it might seem , was not a job , not a political ideology , not a way of filling in the weary hours until she was old enough to retire , not even something to spite her mother with once and for all while she accepted everything else from her .
2 Each player in these groups was engaged for his or her ability to perform one type of role , therefore the playing was predictable because there was a particular way of acting out the various situations .
3 A good way of breaking up the detailed explanation is to add a quotation or two in this section .
4 The Joan Collins syndrome is one way of summing up the present attempt to take ten to fifteen years off the way women look .
5 The ‘ fan out ’ of possible paths from highly rated , but incorrect word hypotheses is considerable , and we have no easy way of telling when the correct hypothesis has been reached .
6 Call it a rites-of-passage novel , a coming-of-age novel or a coming-out novel , it is usually a writer 's way of exploring how the early years can irritate to life the otherwise dormant sensitivities that produce the itch to write fiction .
7 Not for the first time , she wishes she had her sister 's confidence with men , her way of saying just the right thing in the right way to make them laugh , or listen , or love .
8 It looks very much a way of screening out The Great Wonderful British Public and not having to endure any of their tiresome phone witterings .
9 For even when the proportions are beautiful and unusual , the view stupendous , the privacy assured , a window covering is still the most practical way of shutting out the depressing sight of rain , avoiding too much heat loss , preventing draughts in winter and the discomforts of too much sun in summer .
10 The best way to understand it , in my view , is as a way of separating out the different impulses represented in today 's highly varied feminist thinking .
11 These figures suggest that interviewing by telephone is not a particularly good way of cutting down the high refusal rate customary in sociolinguistic surveys ; but interestingly , Nordberg ( 1980 ) reports a very much lower refusal rate in Sweden .
12 Add to this cost the growth in government expenditure , and we are a long way in explaining why the real value of the tax threshold , or the level of income at which tax begins to be paid , has fallen during the post-war period .
13 This goes some way to explaining why the complicated campaigns within Toulouse in the second half of the century were largely fought out under the banners of the Angevin , Aragonese , and French kings ; and why the revolts of Henry II 's sons had widespread ramifications .
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