Example sentences of "way [prep] [pron] [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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31 There is , then , I believe , a much better way in which we can understand Animal Liberation than the way provided by an egalitarian interpretation of interests .
32 Does my hon. Friend agree that one way in which we can cut down imports is to buy British ?
33 The only way in which we can help is having a Labour government that has a policy to secure verifiable arms reductions .
34 It is typical of the Labour party that it loses sight of the possibility of being able to get better value for money and of being able to improve the extent to which and the way in which we can help people without always asking the taxpayer to fund more .
35 Wishing you a very happy and successful 1987/88 season — if there is any way in which we can help promote classes , arrange publicity or membership benefits for you , please do not hesitate to ask .
36 One way in which we can look over a writer 's shoulder , and observe the process of composition , is by examining alterations made both in manuscript , and in revised editions of a work .
37 ‘ It has to be in our interests … for us to try to get more jobs in West Belfast … that is the way in which we will reduce the terrorist menace , by making people economically independent from terrorism .
38 specific points in the development of people , whilst that we recognise that the partners in practice was going to go into a quiet spell er something but we would run the risk if that happened on losing the expertise , the skill base that we 've got there and the undoubted qualities of the people within , we had to find a way in which we could use that skill base and other practice er of the practice and in fact that 's been quite successfully achieved in in recent months er with due diligence work for example er with legal support work is another example , when people in the insolvency practice have been very active on special science weeks ago tree .
39 We found a way in which we could help the black community directly and in the most positive way with considerable sums .
40 Growing herbs at random throughout a garden is in some ways the best arrangement — it is , after all , the way in which they would grow naturally — and species and varieties will be found that are happy on the rock garden , by the water , in bedding schemes , or as underplantings to tall perennials , shrubs and trees .
41 West Midlands bureaux managers may feel proud at the number of workers who reported that they were very satisfied and could think of no way in which they would do things better .
42 As soon as any outbreak of violence , however mild , occurs in society , then damage is done , if it 's only to the social fabric of society , because one or two people can not go about their business , can not go about their pleasure , in the way in which they would wish to .
43 The second is that it does not adequately take account of the sad fact of life that health authorities may on occasion find that they have too few resources , either human or material or both , to treat all the patients whom they would like to treat in the way in which they would like to treat them .
44 Before I come to discuss the philosophical problems that are raised by this sort of account of self and autonomy , I want to look at what I have called its implicit politics ; and what I mean by this primarily is its possible consequences for the way in which women might think about their relationships to each other , and the way in which they might think about themselves .
45 The engagement partner should discuss with the partners leading other work in which the firm is involved , their terms of reference and the way in which they will report to the lead adviser .
46 Department 's tend , eh , the actual service department are very much what I would call practitioner lead , you 've got just people there doing there job and there 've been doing there job for years , and that 's you know , there not , the very rare thing today , erm , thinking of policy sense about the way in which they could change that service , you just get on and do what they 've always been doing .
47 Mr Major 's transport ministers have desperately tried to discover some way in which they could carry out their former leader 's instruction that the railways must be privatised .
48 Indeed , the way in which they could disappear beyond the ability of governments and even their owners to find them is eliciting a long , hard look at Europe 's toxic waste rules .
49 my Lord that , that must be right because that would only be the way in which they could give negative clearance , because the clause or the membership rules were inappreciable
50 Then , obscurely , he had thought they 'd work it through , he would recruit her , sort out a way in which they could communicate , even meet .
51 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
52 I would rely on Mr Yeltsin and Mr Gorbachev that the only possible way in which they could have reached the eminence they have today is through membership of the party .
53 In the same way it is suspicious of women , and the way in which they can transform tears into a source of erotic and celebratory power that can lead to resurrection .
54 But the stage at which they come to believe there is no way in which they can achieve the aim is the stage at which you need to re-examine the objective that the business has been set .
55 Their most important asset is the way in which they can deflect light .
56 Somehow people producing this , preparing this have to think of a way in which they can trap the listener , the viewer , the reader and get their interest .
57 The researcher conducting this case ( Wobbe-Ohlenburg 1982 ) comments that much of the publicity about using robots in factories emphasises the way in which they can make life more pleasant for humans by taking over the dirty , dangerous , or monotonously repetitive jobs .
58 ‘ If we want a lively and thriving democracy we have to enable people to have information in a way in which they can deal with it and use it in a way which enhances their understanding of the subject . ’
59 It is through no fault of those people that they did not receive the money , but there is no way in which they can receive it .
60 They speak on the European peoples party membership of committees , that is the only way in which they can find a voice in committees and they take their share of European peoples party 's funding from the European peoples party .
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