Example sentences of "because of [art] [adj] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 But the case is widely referred to as ‘ the Baltimore affair ’ because of the surprising lengths to which he has gone to defend Dr Imanishi-Kari .
2 Once they had settled in the Balkans they also became separated from each other , partly because of the geographical obstacles to easy movement within the peninsula , and partly because of the historical circumstances of foreign occupations .
3 Whenever possible provision should be made for relocating or retraining dismissed staff , not only because of the personal benefits to those involved , but also because of the effects on the remaining staff 's morale .
4 This is not at first apparent , mainly because of the particular uses to which his work has been put .
5 Egyptian rugs are often very expensive — sometimes commanding higher prices than comparable Persian items — but can be well worth the cost because of the high standards to which they are made .
6 Did the Welsh Office , because of the enormous blows to the location policy in Wales , bother to make representations against them ?
7 Subjects which could not be mentioned without deception , because of the insufferable restraints to which he is subject , are consequently omitted entirely .
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