Example sentences of "because it be [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I shall discuss vision , because it is in this field that the two methods are closest to meeting .
2 The signature should be legible or repeated in type because it is from this signature that notices and orders are addressed .
3 As to why the application is before this court , that quite simply is because it was to this court that the implied undertaking was given ; we alone , therefore , have power to vary it .
4 Adolescence was seen as ‘ critical ’ because it was during this stage of life ‘ when stimulating instruction , technical training and well-directed guidance in matters of conduct and personal hygiene are often most needed and , if wisely given , most helpful towards healthy living and self-control ’ .
5 We knew that something was going on , because it was in this week that Madame changed her name .
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