Example sentences of "because it [verb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 This demonstration shows how even very small amounts of extra rudder in a turn cause a bad wing drop , whereas using too little is a safer fault because it inhibits the stalling characteristics .
32 We chose the pGEX GST-fusion expression system ( 17 ) because it allows the large-scale production of highly purified , soluble fusion proteins .
33 Simple pre-exposure may be assumed to be an effective method for reducing associability because it allows the rapid formation either of a strong stimulus — no event association or of associations among stimulus elements , just as consistent reinforcement allows the rapid formation of a strong CS-US association .
34 The Council feel that this scheme , with its emphasis on the reformative value of service in association with volunteers , is likely to be a promising form of new non-custodial penalty and that its effectiveness is likely to be all the greater because it involves the positive co-operation of the offender .
35 Jessop has argued , we think correctly , that this view is invalid because it ignores the central truth of the state in capitalist societies ; namely , that it is a field of political struggle .
36 This is because our semantic model ( chosen because it expresses the weakest equivalence required for most practical correctness issues ) does not distinguish between processes on the grounds of what communications can be observed after the refusal of specific sets .
37 This is because it raised the real sterling exchange rate , rendering ‘ marginal ’ manufacturing exports uncompetitive .
38 The vole had eaten seeds and nuts and because it sensed the long winter to come it had eaten a little of everything : acorns , hazels , haws , hips , sweet catkins , sour apples , sharp sloes , soft blackberries .
39 Since the NPT 's adoption in 1968 , the French government 's position had been that it would abide by the terms of the treaty but would not sign it because it granted the two superpowers a privileged position in international relations .
40 Darwin 's theory was controversial because it challenged the conventional view that the Creator designed each species , and implied that the human race was just another animal .
41 He chose to sleep in Three because it had the best view of the Jubilee Line , unobstructed by trees , and as he came into the room and crossed to the window , he saw beyond the garden and the trees and the rhubarb plantation a silver train speeding southwards .
42 The room was sparse and tidy , as fresh-looking and tasteful as the rest of the apartment , and like the rest of the place it told her nothing about Carson — except , perhaps , that he employed somebody to clean up for him , because it had the impersonal neatness which could only be achieved by an outsider .
43 He predicted that Democrats would support it because it had the greatest chance of securing enough backing to become law by overriding a presidential veto .
44 This continuity has practical as well as expressive value , because it facilitates the organic style of change I mentioned a moment ago as a practical advantage .
45 p must of course be negative because it represents the space-charge density of electrons .
46 As such , it is the most important element in the structure of the clause as a message because it represents the very information that the speaker wants to convey to the hearer .
47 Today is particularly important because it marks the three-quarter stage of a very significant goal achievement .
48 Its secession , however , would be a blow to Serbia because it controls the narrow strip of Adriatic coast that includes the rump federation 's only commercial port and naval base .
49 More than 700 farmers gave their backing to the Carlisle mart firm Harrison & Hetherington which had called the meeting because it believes the new system could paralyse cattle marketing .
50 My social worker says that I should n't be gettin' high , because it damages the immune system .
51 First , Europe 's defence needs are already satisfactorily met by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation , which is inherently more effective than any alternative because it includes the transatlantic nations .
52 In Chapter 10 we saw that existing oligopolists would have an incentive to advertise too much , not because advertising provides additional consumer information about the product , but because it raises the fixed cost of being in the industry , thereby making it harder for new firms to enter the industry .
53 The marriage between Robert the Pious 's daughter and the count of Nevers brought obvious political gain to the king because it strengthened the royal hold upon Burgundy ; the count on the other hand gained only temporary advantage , and subsequent generations in Nevers made little of their royal connection .
54 So it might be assumed that Scott 's design was placed higher than the other Gothic entries because it showed the two offices as separate structures , rather than one .
55 It has already been stated that the miracle is important because it gives the clearest reason why Jesus healed .
56 On 4 December he took his leave of the observers from other Churches in a prayer service which scandalized a number of the bishops because it breached the old rules against communicatio in sacris .
57 According to observers , the compromise agreed at Houston was acceptable to the EC countries because it recognized the special nature of EC farming as mainly family based ( rather than corporate-based as in the USA ) , while the USA could be satisfied because the agreement spelled out what kinds of subsidies should be reduced .
58 Economic analysis helps the doctor to select the right treatment because it makes the moral issues absolutely explicit . ’
59 Moreover , the system of land tenure , wherein the land belongs to the indigenous Fijians and can only be leased to Indo-Fijians ( the descendants of indentured cane workers who were drafted in from India in the early colonial period ) militates against conservation measures because it ensures the political dominance of the former ; and the encouragement of production ensures that such land is seen to be in use , an artefact to maintain internal stability .
60 Baffling because it is all so new and strange , and exciting because it brings the first hint , the first distant suggestion that for women an independent economic identity is possible .
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