Example sentences of "because it [verb] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ More and more women are considering this type of career because it does offer equal opportunities .
2 It 's really quite misguided because it does encourage those assumptions that mothers are there to tidy up after sons and of course then sons when they grow up and get wives want to replace their mothers .
3 Furthermore the 1951 French elections had brought a considerable number of Gaullists into the National Assembly who opposed EDC , not so much because it meant arming German soldiers , but because it would ‘ surrender ’ the command of the French Army to a supranational institution .
4 The appeal for tolerance by gesturing to lists of Famously Artistic Homosexuals is one of the classic tropes of gay self-justification — it goes ‘ Sappho , Michaelangelo , Shakespeare … and me ’ — and it needs always to be resisted because it seeks to extend contemporary definitions of sexuality back to incorporate historical periods when categorizations of the sexual were quite different .
5 There were times when her preoccupation with ‘ basket power ’ , with the sovereignty of the consumer seemed part of a conception of political change that was both reformist and restricted , not least because it failed to challenge domestic discourses of women 's roles ; but such attention has to be seen in the context of a commitment to conceptions of political radicalisation based on personal development .
6 For them , the survey embodied the scientific method because it sought to make basic observations of the phenomena of interest and out of this formulate generalisations .
7 The aged had , nevertheless , acquired ‘ a definite status in the community … and the ‘ pauper taint ’ [ was ] removed by a system of personal thrift organized by the state' , a provision for which the Conference congratulated itself , claiming to have succeeded because it had placed national interests over and above political tactics .
8 The only difference is he 's had a few thousand extra because it 's got two kitchens and two bathrooms .
9 I do not advocate using a glossy varnish , because it tends to give false readings as you try to shot the float down .
10 Many comments contended that LIFO is conceptually flawed because it fails to assign current costs to inventories held and so distorts the balance sheet .
11 ‘ Ageism ’ is objectionable , not because it means admitting these connections , but because it means treating old people — or children — badly .
12 It is functional because it serves to integrate various groups in society .
13 Charles Kingsley and his associates saw the question , Cole records , as a moral issue ; and valued Consumers , Co-operation only because it helped to provide retail outlets for producers ' co-operatives .
14 Any culture , because it has to retain traditional customs and beliefs , has to be in a sense a conservative institution .
15 Being part of C&P has softened the blow because it has enabled many employees to switch to other growth areas of the chemicals business .
16 ‘ What I have found in the region is that because it has experienced more downturns than other parts of the UK it has a resilience to the dips the economy may take , ’ he said .
17 As one of the most influential Marxist analysts of health care , Navarro ( 1986 ) argues that working-class people have struggled for medical services not because they are " mystified " by medicine 's bogus claims , as Illich argues , but because it has brought genuine benefits which Illich overlooks , particularly in the care and relief of chronic illness .
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