Example sentences of "her and [vb past] her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Granny plucked her and stuffed her and basted her and served her to the table , golden and gleaming .
2 But a few instants later , she needed no other support than the strong arms that seized her and gathered her to a broad chest , the lips in her hair uttering the words that sent the blood rushing through her veins .
3 Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor took one look at her and sent her to the isolation hospital .
4 He put his arm around her and led her into the room , and Maggie got up to go .
5 He put the tray down , lifted her and carried her to the WC on the landing .
6 Perhaps it was at that same party that Marevna , who stayed until dawn , saw Modigliani and Beatrice fighting ferociously until Modi grabbed her and flung her through a closed window .
7 With a tenderness that surprised her the Frenchman put his arms around her and lifted her onto the cot beside him .
8 She was nearly home and someone jumped out at her and battered her with a piece of wood .
9 Janine went to her and kissed her on the cheek .
10 They were watching her intently , with a look that disconcerted her and excited her at the same time .
11 ’ We stopped her and took her into the back room where we found she was n't fat at all .
12 To her surprise , a ground hostess met her and took her to a VIP lounge , where Adam was waiting .
13 Once outside he linked arms with her and took her to the little pub that the station staff used .
14 She was running wildly when the two college students saw her and recognised her from the party as Greg 's girlfriend .
15 And when Jessie saw this man that she loved slide down the wall , then drop onto his side , she screamed ; but her screaming was soon checked by her father who , staggering towards her , put his hand over her mouth then twisted one of her arms behind her and thrust her towards the staircase door .
16 Yussuf caught hold of her and propelled her towards the gate .
17 Her sister had been to see her and made her very tired and various strangers had moved her and pummelled her in a familiar manner that made her angry .
18 ‘ Hi , Gran , ’ he said with more enthusiasm , went across to her and embraced her with a bearlike hug .
19 But how naughty of you to pluck her and set her in a vase that only you see !
20 He attacked her and threw her to the ground before turned his attention to the pub , picking up pool balls and throwing them at bottles of spirits behind the bar .
21 DETECTIVES are hunting two youths who kidnapped a woman driver , sexually assaulted her and abandoned her in a burning car .
22 During the attack he grabbed her and pushed her against a conference table , she told detectives .
23 He tore towards her , menace in every line of him as he caught up with her and grabbed her by the shoulders , his eyes blazing .
24 Melissa slid an arm round her and patted her on the shoulder .
25 James Spencer QC , prosecuting , alleged Mr Nichol approached Mrs Chandler in a field but when she ignored him he pulled her down the bank , sexually assaulted her and hit her on the head with a rock or rocks .
26 Her General Practitioner referred her to the surgical Outpatients Clinic where the surgeon examined her and placed her on the waiting list for stripping ( removal ) of varicose veins .
27 He had out-planned her , outmanoeuvred her and backed her into the proverbial corner !
28 Cecil Jackson has been jailed for life for the murder of his wife : he strangled her and dumped her in a bath of acid .
29 Rourke went over to her and drew her towards a chair .
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