Example sentences of "because they [vb base] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a , there 's a lot of dead people not dead cos their dead because they 've died of old age , dead because they were trying to find out how things work .
2 But the thing is , what they do tend to do is , they suddenly find themselves in a panic because they 've behaved like this about it and the person at the other end is shouting when are you coming to see this organ
3 The Saudis want all this equipment because they feel threatened from both sides — by Iran and by Israel .
4 The Saudis want all this equipment because they feel threatened from both sides — by Iran and by Israel .
5 To my mind , evidence of conflict already exists : the deafening silence from Moorgate Place on Caparo is an example where self-interest has been allowed to be paramount : the decision suits the practising firms ( as their legal liability is narrowly defined ) , notwithstanding that in the public interest , would-be investors , existing individual shareholders and creditors who lose because they have relied on audited accounts which subsequently turn out to be defective , should , on any basis of equity , have recourse to those parties who are responsible , whether management or auditors .
6 Because they have waited for this moment . ’
7 These interlocking shareholders have an interest in each other 's prosperity , partly because they do business with one another , partly because they have invested in each other .
8 Many students tie themselves in knots in only four bars , and can then go no further because they have concentrated on complex harmonizations and ignored the thematic flow .
9 However , the great difference is that the executive search consultant of today sees this as a career rather than just something to move into because they have failed in one or more previous jobs .
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