Example sentences of "because they [verb] not [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was a measure of Willi 's popularity that , even though his pre-production party was known about by nearly everyone who was anyone in Hochhauser , and even though the guest list was extremely small , no-one ever felt slighted because they had n't been invited .
2 When forty-two railway-workers who defected from Syzran' station were put on trial , their sentence was alleviated because they had not been paid .
3 It went against the grain with Hotspur to let such an illustrious company move south unchallenged into England , merely because they had not been intercepted in time to confront them on reasonably equal terms .
4 The reason given was that children would not be religiously and educationally prepared for the reception of Holy Communion and Confirmation because they had not been educated at a catholic school , irrespective of their parents ' alternative provisions : in one area , parents had set up their own Sunday schools as an alternative .
5 It was clearly foreseen , though not stated , that these would be drawn mainly from the workhouses , either because the relatives of the dead could not pay for interment , or because they had not been notified of death .
6 it does n't matter because all of them are as it happens fairly er new and indeed as Kevin says quite correctly , dry because they have n't been used for a long time .
7 Most of his staff are currently on strike because they have n't been paid for two months , so Soliz is going personally to open the new group and give the first lesson .
8 But a very tiny proportion will germinate , either because they are washed from the tree by rain , brushed out by the actions of wild creatures or even because they have not been fertilised .
9 This is not , as Young ( 1981 : 328 ) asserts , because they are ‘ well calculated to be ineffective ’ , but rather because they have not been framed with a crucial issue in mind — how far can a national state regulatory agency effect the operations of a transnational corporation , particularly when its parental state is one of the two world imperialist powers ?
10 Of these , nearly 8,000 children die because they have not been immunised , nearly 7,000 from dehydration caused by diarrhoea , and nearly as many again from pneumonia .
11 Sadly , some dogs pass through several homes in quite rapid succession , possibly because they have not been house-trained or may be highly-strung and bark continually .
12 This is usually because they have not been adjusted correctly , something has loosened in use or they have not been put on correctly in the first place .
13 However , a substantial proportion of the long-term cases are children who have been taken into care against the wishes of their parents because they have not been receiving adequate care or control .
14 There will be no representative of any foreign communist party at the event , not even Moscow 's man , because they have not been invited .
15 All too often , students engage in study that only results in shallow or superficial learning of the first type — for example , the rote learning of names , dates , superficial factual data and characteristics that you hold in your short-term memory just long enough to pass an examination and that are then rapidly forgotten , because they have not been internalized — perhaps because our psyches know they are not of much use in the long run .
16 Would-be buyers who have been returning home empty-handed ( because they have not been offering sufficiently high prices ) have not learned that it is necessary to outbid other buyers ; would-be sellers who return home with unsold goods or resources ( because they have been asking prices that are too high ) have not learned that they must , if they wish to sell , be satisfied with lower prices .
17 Some sufferers , notably juveniles addicted to many drugs , commonly take six to eight weeks because their minds are still fogged from the drugs during the first week or two and because they have not been accustomed in their earlier lives to dealing with emotional pain except by recourse to mood-altering chemicals .
18 After he has made his first claim for Landor , Pound writes two paragraphs of the sort that have provoked near-apoplexy , because they have not been taken in the spirit that Pound intended :
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