Example sentences of "one [conj] he [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Steve has got one that he played at the last S L Os meeting , it lasts about four minutes it 's as long as the song he ai n't heavy he 's my brother .
2 can do that Er yeah can you what what 's what 's the one that he does with the hundred hands up ? ha , ha , ha , ha , ha
3 This , he wished it to be understood , was a duty to God incumbent on him personally , one that he couched in the words of the Confiteor : ‘ And I pray to God that you will not stop because of what I have done or what I have failed to do . ’
4 Well , chaps it has to be Tony Currie. remember that goal … yes that one that he curled into the corner … who was that against again ?
5 It is a practical objection not one of principle , and I believe that it was the fundamental reason that Lord Reid , for example , considered the general rule to be a good one as he said in the passage my noble and learned friend has cited from Beswick v. Beswick [ 1968 ] A.C. 58 , 74A .
6 In light of this , he expected no reward but this day he knew he had received one as he stood at the door of a ward of children on whom he had operated , now sleeping peacefully and painlessly .
7 ‘ He 's a wheeler-dealer and he came across it in a house where he was doing some plastering , ’ said Walton , who used a similar one when he played in the 1981 Walker Cup match in America .
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