Example sentences of "because [noun prp] [modal v] not [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 But hopes of an early offer were dashed yesterday when Peter Bonfield , chairman and chief executive , said the flotation was likely to be later rather than sooner because ICL could not meet the Fujitsu criterion of sustaining a market price of 225p a share .
2 However he remains unseen because Sauron can not pierce the shadows he made for his own defence .
3 Subsequent attempts to diversify the economy have foundered not only on corruption and inefficiency , though these have played a part , but because Zambia could not mobilize the funds for new investment , since the growing debt burden took a larger and larger share of the national cake .
4 In the unpublished ‘ Epilogue ’ to that work , we learn that Shadowfax will be saved too , to be taken on the last ship from the Havens to Aman , simply because Gandalf could not bear the parting .
5 Because Wales could not win the ball there was no purpose in having gadabout tight forwards .
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