Example sentences of "because [prep] the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
2 The possibility of incorporation represents a difficult route because of the close involvement and commitment of the local authority to that service , which is beneficial to it .
3 Bhanu Pratap ( Singh , the state Governor , declared that the decision had been taken largely because of the serious law and order situation , but in his statement he openly defied convention by issuing a political message which questioned Gandhi 's right to be involved in the state 's politics .
4 In Scotia and in Orkney , the work went on as fast as resources would allow , and more speedily than it might once have done because of the cleared roads and the stations of help that now existed through the newborn network of local churches and local leadership .
5 Because of the logical situation that renders the derivation of universal laws and theories from observation statements impossible , but the deduction of their falsity possible , falsifications become the important landmarks , the striking achievements , the major growing-points in science .
6 Sandra explains : ‘ We moved here because of the rural location and we love walking in the Welsh mountains .
7 Because of the limited techniques that judo offered , some police forces eventually opted for aikido .
8 This is an attractive idea , but for most adults the goal of learning through communicating naturally in the language throughout the day will , sadly , never be a practical one ; we have to continue to make use of something like formal classroom teaching because of the limited time and resources available .
9 Because of the limited recruitment and early retirements in recent years , most of their teachers will come from what is loosely known as the ‘ Sixties generation ’ .
10 In part , perhaps , because of the great energy and attention directed to the question of nuclear arms control and disarmament .
11 And then there is underneath the sea bed , which has been very important for the United Kingdom because of the great oil and gas resources which we found and if you had had er more limited erm concepts of the
12 There are reservations as to its validity because of the small samples and the non-parametric nature of some of the variables .
13 This distinction is most important because of the inherent flexibility that results from the separation of the logical and physical views .
14 He lay there for several hours , sleeping fitfully , having occasional nightmares , trying to galvanise himself into getting up , and failing because of the absolute exhaustion that appeared to have gripped his limbs .
15 The principle of orality was considered to contribute to unanimity in decision making because of the thorough sifting and testing of argument in unrestricted oral argument .
16 Is it that the fraudsters are the only section of society that is going to vote for the Conservatives er at the at the at the next election because certainly er the reputation of the city of London er is going down all the time because of the squalid frauds that are being perpetrated there a and the government is lagging behind er in catching up and in providing an effective regulatory framework er that 's that 's going to deal er with them .
17 They may lose both because of missed interest payments and because of the legal fees that have to be paid from the firm 's shrunken assets .
18 In so far as it was possible to control the number of children they had , a significant number of Victorian parents were beginning to do so — if only because of the simple fact that the fewer sons and daughters there were , the more could be done to give each of them a good start in life .
19 I believe I did n't get gay-bashed partly because of the heterosexual relationship and partly because no one took my sexuality seriously because I was blind , and obviously did n't know what badge I was wearing .
20 It is the least mechanised of our farming scenery , the least efficient and the most resistant to change because of the multiple ownership and the often rented holdings .
21 The learning process for Composers Pen is quite a lengthy one , partly because of the complex ground that it covers , but do not be put off by this as the effort expended will be more than worth it in the end .
22 This has often been achieved because of the professional relationships that have developed by actively working to improve levels of understanding and the quality of leadership .
23 A transformation has taken place in the productivity of British shipbuilding because of privatisation , because there was no bottomless pit to which shipyards could turn , and because of the sheer reality that none of those yards would exist unless there had been a quantum change in working practices .
24 The declivities seemed to promise more ease than the heights because of the heavier shade and the caressing sound of the small brooks which ran clear and sparkling across their path .
25 It 's because of the inhumane way that this Government treats people who experience financial problems of any kind and those other problems associated with those matters .
26 A large number of cases are received because of the short-term illness or confinement of the mother .
27 Albion chairman Trevor Summers has ruled out making any further comment on the controversy after the club issued a joint statement with the police explaining that their decision was taken because of the adverse reaction that Gould received during Albion 's first match with Wycombe at Adams Park earlier this month .
28 The multinationals have moved to other countries because of the civil war and according to the last report , in May 1983 , there were only four factories still operating in the multinational industrial parks .
29 ENGLISH law governing remedies for interference with goods is exceedingly technical , partly because of the long survival and overlap of a number of different heads of liability and partly because the law , though tortious in form , is largely proprietary in function .
30 Because of the long gestation and lactation periods , the interval between calving is usually at least two or three years .
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