Example sentences of "because [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] time " in BNC.

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1 This was done electively in 10 of the 11 patients because of a prolonged procedure time caused by excessive stone burden or difficult stone extraction .
2 Because of the long lead time that would be required to bring such supplies on stream ( not only in opening the quarries but also in preparing suitable dock facilities ) it is not envisaged they will make a major contribution until the second ten years covered by MPG6 .
3 Because of the long lead time that would be required to bring such supplies on stream ( not only in opening the quarries but also in preparing suitable dock facilities ) it is not envisaged they will make a major contribution until the second ten years covered by MPG6 .
4 McCall 's injury has returned because of the insufficient recovery time between matches and the Rangers ' secretary/director , Campbell Ogilvie , is now investigating the matter of what should be done about the free Saturday that has been left in the programme before Scotland 's next World Cup qualifying tie , against Portugal on 28 April .
5 The use of such substances would enhance the resolution of the images by increasing the signal to noise ratio between tissue and contrast media and allow for a greater imaging frequency because of the shorter relaxation time .
6 Because of the ten-year lead time involved in planning and commissioning new stations , thought is already being given to the eventual need to replace the remaining Hunterston plant .
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