Example sentences of "because [pron] have [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I have already been given several different figures , and was told by one person I could have 50 × 12″ fish because I have a good filter .
2 I 've always done it because I have a good time doing it .
3 is n't necessary for me to do my job , but because I have a personal interest .
4 She must have had a posting , or else obtained her demob while I was still at Binbrook , because I have a distinct memory of Sheila hammering nails into this crate before despatching it to her new destination , and scornfully refusing all help from J. , who was standing by with the hammer and nails .
5 I do n't want to do that because I have a young family and I like living in Hoylake . ’
6 The boys at school used to make fun of me because I have a crooked spine .
7 ‘ I come across as being intolerant because I have a different sense of what is important these days .
8 This is probably because I have a romantic disposition .
9 Erm but you see , I mean I can only erm believe what she says because I have no other proof .
10 On North went : ‘ I 'm really worried because I have the only copy and it 's in my safe , and I could cross the street tomorrow and get run over by a truck and so no-one would ever know .
11 ‘ In that case I suggest we stick to it , because I have the strong feeling that if we start digging up what happened five years ago we will start arguing , and that wo n't help anybody . ’
12 I should like to intervene only for a moment because I have an important constituency interest in that Gatwick , a major inter-national airport , is within my constituency .
13 If you 've been given a voucher because you have a low income , the value of your voucher may be reduced .
14 How to claim help because you have a low income
15 The most likely reason that waste pipes have frozen is because you have a dripping tap .
16 You can rest assured that you do not dive in just because you have a weak constitution !
17 This is no time for pretending that all will automatically be sweetness and light , just because you have a deep affection for each other .
18 This is because you have a different role .
19 Because you have a crazy man in your spaceship — he 's in hospital now . ’
20 Just because you have a damp wall , do n't assume the problem has to be directly above it — in other words , where the eaves used to be .
21 She will twist your poor rich senile arm to pay you out , because you have an airy house on the hill , and she goes home to a room in the damp and humid valley .
22 Now the ones for January , February and March are perhaps not terribly useful for you , because you have the current diary pages .
23 First I think it would run completely counter to our internationalist traditions to say that because we have a temporary difficulty , we do n't want the workers of the other er other eleven member states to benefit from a new Social Chapter .
24 Maybe it 's because we have a major problem with superfluous hair .
25 Not because we have a vested interest , personal or impersonal , in challenging , compromising or embarrassing the ecclesiastical establishment .
26 Colleagues I 'd just like to put one of er John 's themes and that is that for the next couple of days we 've got a hell of a lot of business to get through and er we 've done quite well so far but er I would certainly be looking where possible colleagues for formally seconding er , as often as possible , if not all the time and I really appreciate your er your assistance in that regard because we have a great deal of business to get through in the next two days .
27 Because we have a good house already , with the new beds and windows .
28 ‘ That 's the way I want him because we have a quiet bunch of lads who need bossing about . ’
29 ‘ We would like to see British people come because we have a special relationship with you , ’ says Ali Said .
30 This is a mistake , though understandable , because we have a profound lack of role-models in this area .
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