Example sentences of "because [pron] have [verb] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She said that everything was ordered , and that pleased me because I had to carry it all .
2 I think there must be because I 've seen it several times now and just in , in , you know
3 I 'm keeping them together in their little bits because I 've got them all sorted where they belong , so
4 eighty nine thousand , I need another go round and another thousand pound and I 've won because I 've got me two thingybobs
5 Right , well , I do n't think I need this one because I 've got me red one
6 I knew because I 'd climbed them drunk before now .
7 As the House knows , because I have said it several times in business questions , my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland has said that the establishment of a Northern Ireland Select Committee is best taken forward in the context of the fresh political talks .
8 ‘ I would like to encourage girls to go into science because I have found it one of the most rewarding careers , ’ said Dr Henderson .
9 Well that 's because somebody has told them that bald is ugly , bald is n't ugly , it 's .
10 Wearing hankies in the ends of your boots because you 'd bought them 2 sizes too big , and they were still floppy , with those grey flecked Millets hiking socks on !
11 ‘ But on the other hand I have no intention of letting you add my name to the list , just because you 've lent me this flat , ’ she lashed back .
12 ‘ I asked you to be honest so I 've no right to complain because you 've spelt it all out .
13 She had taken to him from the first , and he to her , perhaps , on his part , because she had given him some hot mutton broth and let him eat as much bread as he could manage , which had been half a loaf ; and then she had rigged him out in odd things .
14 That is because we 've given them good service over the past three years .
15 And I will have a piece of tape which says , ‘ Well yes of course you would expect the Chairman of the County Council to get food poisoning in this particular restaurant because we have prosecuted him three times .
16 But Notts will settle down because they 've made it one nil .
17 The two usual options are either a big block , like on the back of a Strat , which is really hard to deal with , or there 's nothing , because they 've sanded it all away .
18 oh , you know , that 's , that 's it because for thirteen years they have dismantled the social system , that 's what they 've done in thirteen years , so they ca n't say overnight , we 'll put it all back because there is n't , there , there is n't the finance there because they 've spent it all to have done what they 've done
19 ‘ Only one , ’ said Ken , ‘ and that was n't because I forgot it : it was because they 'd given me bad directions . ’
20 I suppose that 's because they had to kill him first .
21 because he had abused her all those years , erm , but apparently she 's also got a , not the right sort of word , a pathological hate for men in general
22 He had a good later reputation , and according to Osbern was very acceptable to Cnut because he had given him holy chrism .
23 He knew what would happen to him , because he had seen it all before .
24 He was terrible , because he had started it all , he had determined to behave in that way .
25 But what she hoped was that he would return before breakfast so that he would find her here , crouched lonely and exhausted on the top stair , waiting for him , frightened because he had left her alone .
26 It is even against the wishes of the Hon. Member for Tayside ( Mr. Walker ) , because he has made it clear that he does not want Stagecoach to succeed in his area .
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