Example sentences of "because [pron] [am/are] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A part of your father 's gift I think you have , if you can learn not to deface it for spite because I am in the same world with you . ’
2 That Green World is the new national newsletter which took over from news and erm because I 'm on the editorial board
3 So I 'm not limited because I 'm by the lowest common denominator of other gateway approaches .
4 Because I 'm in the high
5 But you do n't know , do you , because sometimes it all depends because I 'm like the only one in my family ,
6 Oh yes , because we 're on the fourteenth , so it 's the week before .
7 Because we 're in the same line of business , you mean ? ’
8 do it the same time because we 're in the same class and speak to all the same people and we 'd get all the same results
9 Just because we 're in the nineties does n't mean we can assume they 'll be friendly .
10 These are pit houses but they ca n't do nowt about these because they 're on the main road you see .
11 yes , well , er I follow that , but I 'm sorry I put it rather badly Mr forgive me , part of your defence against the claim by er relates to erm these agreements , you must say that these agreements erm because they are of the standard form are anti competitive and therefore they or part of them are void , erm building on that presumably your defence says or employs er that because erm , you know there void , I du n no perhaps you can tell me this erm , all , all the er all parts of the void , all the power of the agent , the agreements with regard to premium trust funds and the like , er are also unenforceable as between er the erm name and his er members agent , erm and in consequence of that you say , as I understand it , er that that is , all that cause be lost which you can neither set up as a defence to claim under the central bi-law or at least as a set up or counterclaim , I just wanted to explore this aspect of it , erm , as to the consequences of your plea , does it mean that clause nine is put on one side wholly or to an extent in the latter case to what extent ?
12 In Figure 4.13 LECTURER and SUBJECT are known as ‘ siblings ’ because they are of the same level but of different types .
13 This is because they are at the same stages in their evolution .
14 And the local authorities also we have government policy again we have the situation that Wage Councils which have agreed increases for our members within the prison service , do n't know whether they 'll be allowed to implement them because they are over the one and a half percent .
15 Bulletin boards , for example , can be used to advertise conferences or seminars to people who may be interested because they are in the same profession or may contain data packages , open for use by any user .
16 All this not because these are inherently interesting and broadly educative studies ( though they are ) but because they are in the mid-eighties , whatever may have been the case at an earlier period , indispensable .
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