Example sentences of "may be [vb pp] in [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Research leading to the degrees of Master of Philosophy ( MPhil ) or Doctor of Philosophy ( DPhil ) may be undertaken in all Faculties .
2 Nor is it a weighted argument to suggest that when teachers find that their school may be blackballed in future schemes of co-operation with other local schools they might not notice if in fact they had felt little practical benefit from any co-operation in the past .
3 Struggles between elites may be conducted in various ways .
4 In practical terms , business across national frontiers may be conducted in several ways .
5 Lists Terms often contain lists : for instance , of rights which may be exercised in certain situations , or of facilities to be provided .
6 This danger may be met in two ways .
7 Each entry may be stored in two versions , the original as taken from the database and stored unconditionally by Oedipus , and the most recent copy , saved at the discretion of the lexicographer ( by employing the protect command ) .
8 Stepped wavecut platforms may be formed in horizontal rocks ( Plate 28 ) , but on these the steps are smaller than on those described by Jutson .
9 As a science the process of cleaning may be defined in scientific terms as follows : —
10 Although CSP epitope variation may be limited in some regions , the extensive polymorphism seen in Africa will be difficult to encompass in multivalent vaccines .
11 Other physical factors may be implicated in mass strandings .
12 If it were decided to impose a breakeven constraint , and assuming that there is more than one product price involved , the target may be achieved in many ways .
13 The provision of this " safe pasture " may be achieved in two ways :
14 The literary context in our culture creates a situation where relevance may be achieved in alternative ways , so as to constitute this " openness ' for criticism .
15 In one sense , literature is like any other form of social or cultural activity , so that it may be analyzed in semiological terms ; this would involve discovering what the nature of its component signs are , and how the system governing their use and combinations operates .
16 Because of the exemptions provided by the DTI and the SIB respectively , these restrictions in practice normally do not apply to what may be called in general terms business investors , typically persons who are ordinary business investors on the size test ( see page 36 above ) .
17 Other researchers express more cautious optimism as they point out that the carbon dioxide fertilization effect may be offset in some regions by changes in climate .
18 Such kinds of nationalism , which may be strengthened in some cases by the dominance of a particular religion , are not , in their most intense form , generally conducive to the development of a liberal democratic society , as may be seen from certain current trends in Eastern Europe .
19 Provided that they are consistent with the basic principles set out , as my hon. Friend rightly said , in among other places , the patients charter , the fact that different decisions may be reached in different parts of the country is not surprising .
20 They may be advertised in local newspapers or on local radio .
21 Each individual case will be treated on its merits and special terms and premiums may be imposed in certain cases .
22 Research in biotechnology will continue , although controls may be imposed in some areas .
23 Suspended sentence — activation — whether activation of a suspended sentence is subject to restrictions on the maximum aggregate term of imprisonment which may be imposed in particular circumstances
24 Half-lines may be expanded in typical ways : there may be one , and only one , optional expansion of the verse in one , and only one , of its first two positions .
25 Many of the familiar aspects of modernization , such as a rise of individualism and of specification in material culture use and scientific-rational order , may be traced in these studies , but the evidence provides a means of analysing such changes in terms of the structural organization of everyday objects for the population as a whole , and acts as a balance to the more common literary and self-reflective accounts or these changes .
26 At the moment , trade marks may be registered in individual countries but there are moves to develop an integrated European system although this will present difficulties as the same or similar marks may already be registered in different countries by different proprietors .
27 Although third party claims may be made in all areas of international law , the topic will be examined only in three specified areas .
28 Counsel may be briefed with the approval of the Area Director ; assistance may be withdrawn in certain circumstances ; costs may be awarded out of the legal aid fund to an unassisted party ; the statutory charge operates subject to specified exceptions .
29 As in the static model , the basis for comparison is of critical importance , and the question may be posed in several ways .
30 An outside arbitrator 's fees may be justified in those cases where an expert 's adjudication is required .
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