Example sentences of "may be [vb pp] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Unanimity is required for all important decisions , although in cases of disagreement the matter may be referred to the federal government for decision .
2 Bills relating to Scotland alone may be referred to the Scottish Grand Committee unless ten members object .
3 This may be compared to the total inflow of Japanese portfolio investment in the UK over 1986 Q1–1989 Q2 which amounted to some £23.2bn and total foreign inward investment of close to £50bn .
4 Among the Dutch paintings on offer are two by Pyke Koch in the style termed Magisch Realisme , which may be compared to the German Neue Sachlichkeit .
5 The first sessions may be limited to the patient learning how to move his body , arm or leg into the right positions , while the therapist performs most of the actual dressing .
6 Certain powers of the court may be delegated to a single justice or a justices ' clerk .
7 Play , Dreams and Imitation in Childhood may be related to a whole series of studies of cognitive development by piaget .
8 This may be related to a relative lack of social stability : being more frequently single and in less permanent accommodation .
9 It may be seen as expressing the personality of the author , in accordance with the famous formula of the French scholar Buffon ( 1978 : xvii ) , that the style is the man ( ‘ le style est l'homme même ’ ) ; or it may be related to a literary movement or period ( e.g. futurist style , baroque style ) .
10 This problem may be related to a further question ; that is the relationship between the code and Salic law in general .
11 The feeling of psychological revival and an elevation of mood is a common experience in mountains , and this may be related to the euphoric and hallucinogenic effects of low oxygen levels in the brain brought about by hard exercise at high altitudes .
12 Expert skills may be related to the tangible , like bookbinding or open-heart surgery , or the more intangible , like negotiation or ability to analyse .
13 The NNW–SSE orientation of early Permian nonmarine sedimentary basins reflects a changing tectonic style that may be related to the early opening of the north Atlantic .
14 Turbulent flows have much higher entrainment rates than the corresponding laminar flows , a fact that may be related to the additional dissipation by the velocity fluctuations .
15 The standard incidence assumptions may be related to the simple fixed-factor , two-sector model discussed in Lecture 6 ( Section 6–5 ) , where there are two classes of consumer ( with homothetic utility functions ) .
16 Packer remarks that the greater willingness to join in collaboration against a consorting male may be related to the greater benefits that the altruism bestows on the recipient in these cases .
17 The authors suggest the rise in kidnapping in recent years may be related to the easier access now available to neonatal units , which were once open only to fathers , and then within strict visiting hours .
18 It may be related to the German ficken ( to strike ) and the Latin pungere ( to prick ) , but the connections have not been proven .
19 The reason for these different findings is unclear but may be related to the different forms of meal used .
20 The problem of neonatal infections due to antibiotic resistant organisms ( for example , coagulase negative staphylococci , Gram negative bacilli ) in special care units may be related to the widespread use of broad spectrum antibiotics in neonates .
21 However , having come thus far by car , exercise for the legs is needed , and a path along the south shore of the loch may be followed to the abandoned village of Skiary , wholly in ruins : a sad emphasis of the desolation around .
22 From Poolewe , a private road may be followed to the isolated croft of Kernsary ( cars may be taken thus far with permission ) , whence a track used by anglers leads up to Fionn Loch ; from it , branches the wilderness route to Dundonnell , entering a vast basin with an exciting array of mountains ahead , Beinn Lair and A' Mhaighdean being prominent .
23 The process , in its emphasis on active leadership and unidirectional flow , may be likened to a hypodermic needle , with the active ingredient ( vision ) loaded into a syringe ( words ) which is injected into the patient ( subordinate ) to effect change .
24 This relationship may be likened to a crowded platform .
25 By exploring the world in terms of the actions and their effects , young children come to realise that objects can be acted upon in different ways and that actions often result in objects changing their location ; they may be moved to a new place , positioned with respect to other objects or located on surfaces and in containers .
26 In an entertaining and revealing note which prefaces this recording , the clarinettist Murray Khouri laments the passing of what he describes as the ‘ lyric ’ school of British clarinet playing , the origins of which , he suggests , may be traced to the vocal traditions of our great cathedrals .
27 Small repairs may be made to a damaged surface by flooding the affected area with molten asphalt after the defective section has been cut out .
28 Reference may be made to the following and to the papers cited under sections dealing with the skeletomuscular systems in the main regions of the body .
29 no amendment which would be to the advantage of participants may be made to the following without the prior consent of the Company in General Meeting :
30 And overtures may be made to the visiting New Zealand Under-21 News side to also bring their game forward to make it a big evening double-header .
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