Example sentences of "may be [vb pp] [prep] be a " in BNC.

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1 This may be felt to be a relatively radical conclusion — namely , that emotions , or affect on the normal human adult level , should be regarded as a symbolically generalized system , that is never ‘ id-impulse ’ as such .
2 Its existence may be conceded to be a matter of political fact , but its normative content is a matter of law : the courts are required to enforce the terms of the most recent statement of Parliament 's will , expressed in the usual form …
3 The person who comes to an interview smelling unfavourably may be seen to be a ‘ bad ’ applicant .
4 Even without evidence of a causal role in schizophrenia , the reduction of overprotective parenting may be seen to be a valuable preventive strategy for other psychiatric problems .
5 To that extent there may be said to be a mental element required for this variety of manslaughter , but it is a manifestly low mental element compared with the death which results .
6 ‘ The case may be said to be a good example of the stringency with which the courts scrutinise transactions of guarantee entered into at the instance of a debtor who is likely to be in a position to exert influence on the surety and in circumstances in which the surety can derive no conceivable benefit from the transaction .
7 As for the infrequency with which it is celebrated , this may be thought to be a reaction against the daily sacrifice of the Mass and the emphasis that grace comes dear and difficult not cheap and daily .
8 Sickness may be considered to be a punishment inflicted for neglect of certain taboos .
9 It may be considered to be a vital British interest that we are not on the outside of the single currency in five years ' time .
10 If the database comprises data representing three-dimensional articles , for example a database of co-ordinates describing sculptures or industrial designs , that database may be considered to be a collection of artistic works so represented or to be a literary work as a compilation .
11 In many countries there is no legal recourse to defaults on gambling debts , and a futures contract may be considered to be a kind of gamble .
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