Example sentences of "may be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A single dose may be needed to reduce a markedly elevated blood glucose and then glycaemic control may be maintained with twice-daily injections .
2 Housing requirements may alter as families move through life , and different types of financial commitments may be undertaken at different points in the life-cycle .
3 The design , costing , supervision and execution of a project may be undertaken by different individuals within the organisation but by informal agreement , not legally based demarcation .
4 However , the method is viable because the sample may be matched to objective criteria or proportions in a manner that is appropriate to the particular research exercise .
5 These defects , which are bubbles , cracks and delaminations , are not necessarily visible even under the highest magnifications of optical or electron microscopes as they may be hidden by other elements of the circuit in layers above the flaw .
6 Nor is it a weighted argument to suggest that when teachers find that their school may be blackballed in future schemes of co-operation with other local schools they might not notice if in fact they had felt little practical benefit from any co-operation in the past .
7 Struggles between elites may be conducted in various ways .
8 Part 1 deals with the fundamentals , and begins by explaining how polymer molecules may be treated as spring-bead chains in which the molecules are treated as a sequence of spring-like beads .
9 Seizures may be treated with intravenous benzodiazepines — for example , diazepam 2.5–5 mg — or short acting barbiturates — for example , sodium pentothal 25–50 mg — and very large amounts of anticonvulsants may be required .
10 Thus , if Nissan gains market share at the expense of cars which would have been manufactured in the UK anyway , problems may be caused for other companies , especially Rover which relies principally on the UK market for its sales .
11 The low birthweight may be caused by external factors , such as smoking during pregnancy ; premature babies , which may result from insufficient standards of antenatal care , will be highly prone to early infection .
12 Third , blocks may be caused by toxic substances inhibiting the function of an enzyme or enzymes .
13 Persistent leg pain may be caused by varicose veins .
14 This question is as important for interests theories as it is rarely discussed , for harm to interests may be caused by remote actors .
15 Such breaks , which occur in deep mountain valleys more often than in lowland valleys , are not always easy to interpret , as similar forms may be caused by lithological differences or by glaciation .
16 Other types of mental handicap may be caused by genetic disorders , although not specifically related to chromosomes .
17 Exemptions may be granted on specified grounds with respect to a particular " class of goods " ( Resale Prices Act 1976 , ss14-21 ) .
18 It is proposed , therefore , to establish a separate scheme under which options may be granted to overseas employees in excess of the £100 000 limit up to four times annual remuneration .
19 Leases may be granted for short periods of less than a year , up to 999 years .
20 This may be renewed at regular intervals , or when the person responsible points out that it is getting low .
21 Lists Terms often contain lists : for instance , of rights which may be exercised in certain situations , or of facilities to be provided .
22 It is such considerations of equity and judgement that make the course-work component in examinations suspect , however much its assessment may be regulated by published sets of criteria .
23 The abundance and the functional effects of N-Oct 3 may be regulated by different mechanisms : ( i ) transcription of N-Oct 3 may be regulated in a temporal and tissue specific manner , ( ii ) the RNA half life might be controlled by sequences in the 3' untranslated region as suggested by our findings ( iii ) a bias in translation in favour of N-Oct 5 proteins may serve to neutralize the effects of the N-Oct 3 protein .
24 The spinelets are crowded with 9 or more points which may be subdivided into secondary points giving the crown a very irregular appearance .
25 Some may be tempted by old dogmas , but most are identifying deeper hungers within themselves .
26 Each of these regions may be differentiated into separate sclerites .
27 Stepped wavecut platforms may be formed in horizontal rocks ( Plate 28 ) , but on these the steps are smaller than on those described by Jutson .
28 In such instances , after discussion with the patient when appropriate , these problems may be referred to other members of the health care team such as medical staff , dieticians , physiotherapists or social workers .
29 Each sub-population may be defined by dynamic considerations or by supply characteristics .
30 As a science the process of cleaning may be defined in scientific terms as follows : —
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