Example sentences of "may be [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus it can be seen that the records of Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic flints , few and sparse as they may be to the local researcher , may , together with palaeo-environmental information and some idea of such early hunting , fishing and gathering life-styles , lead to a real appreciation of how the landscape was used by people in these early periods in the area under study .
2 It acts to foster rather than hinder the material and non-material interests of most groups involved in the planning process , although it may be to the short term tactical advantage of some not to recognise the fact .
3 They suggest that this may be through the perceived control an individual has over his goals , as compared to that when goals are externally assigned .
4 We should recognise , too , that the ability to think in highly conventional terms may be of the greatest importance to a young scientist in his work .
5 But when questions of law do arise , their determination may be of the greatest importance because of the effect that will have on subsequent cases .
6 These relations may be of the paradigmatic variety ( e.g. oppositeness , synonymy , etc. ) or they may be of the so-called paronymic sort ( that is to say , involving identity of root , but difference of syntactic category , as , for instance , with act : actor , race : racy .
7 Geographical variables , such as regions and populations , may be of the utmost significance to suppliers of such goods as delicatessen foods or skiing equipment , for example .
8 The yields concerned may be of the direct money kind , as is the case with equities and bonds , but may be implicit in the form of services or benefits received , as with owner-occupied houses .
9 Some of the sites under consideration may be of the same date and status , but they may be occupied for part of the year , or for a few years only .
10 In the male , the equivalent chromosome may be of the same type — an X chromosome — or it may be roughly the shape of the letter Y , in which case it is known as a Y chromosome .
11 2.3 If the Landlord is unable to obtain at a reasonable cost any of the materials referred to in the Building Documents the Landlord may [ ( subject to notifying promptly the Surveyors of its intention to do so ) ] in carrying out the Works substitute for them alternative materials as nearly as may be of the same quality
12 Tempting as it may be for the harassed mother to jump at the chance of sending her three year old to playschool every morning , imagine the devastating effect this can have when it coincides with the arrival in the home of a brand new baby .
13 However true this may be for the economic development of the United States — and even there such contentious hypotheticals are highly dubious — it certainly can not hold good for European expansion and supremacy in the later nineteenth century .
14 This little-known company director , chairman of Walsham brothers , may be on the highest salary in Britain : £8 million , according to Labour Research .
15 ‘ I think that the boot may be on the other leg ! ’
16 It may be a light aircraft twenty miles away , in which case they will go in their own cars , or it may be on the other side of the world , in which case they will be on the next airline flight in that direction and might not be home again for several weeks .
17 Will he therefore do his best to defuse the present unhappy situation and assure the people of that great continent that , although they may be on the other side of the world , they are close to the hearts of the people of the United Kingdom ?
18 ‘ He may be on the other team .
19 Sotheby 's have estimated its value at $10m-$14m , but this may be on the low side to ensure a sale .
21 As far as the charter is concerned they may be on the right track ( if for the wrong reasons ) .
22 In the second movement Allegro con grazia Koizumi may be on the slow side in the main 5/4 theme , but he is very persuasive , and then in the central section brings out an element of fantasy .
23 The Unionist fear is that we may be on the last verse of another .
24 FOR the first half of the year you should have plenty of attack , although you may be on the receiving end of a show of force .
25 WILLIE ANDERSON 's day-job may be with the Irish Rugby Football Union as a development officer , responsible for the northern part of the island , but his interest in his club , Dungannon , is still very strong .
26 Only part of central northern Scotland may be below the critical load for sensitive plant communities such as those around some lakes and peat bogs .
27 In some instances , the long-term benefit to the victim may be worth the short-term price , but it is a question which must be faced .
28 Orange or red nut feeders are especially attractive to siskins , but if there are squirrels around it may be worth the extra expense of a tough model such as the Gilbert squirrel-proof feeder , which has a nut basket surrounded by a mesh which will only allow the birds through .
29 The public interest would not perhaps be regarded as well served if a fully qualified solicitor was effectively deprived of the opportunity of practising his profession : this may be behind the Scottish decision of Dallas McMillan & Sinclair v Simpson ( 1988 ) SLT 454 where the covenant purported to prevent the outgoing partner from practising as a solicitor within 20 miles of the centre of Glasgow , an area in which roughly half of Scotland 's law firms were said to be located .
30 If there is ever a shadow of self pity , as I think there may be in the final verse of ‘ The Missing ’ , it is completely overshadowed by the cruel indifference and bleakness of Gunn 's other description .
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