Example sentences of "may have been [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Equally , while the procedure which produced the Enham texts may have been similar to those responsible for some of Æthelstan 's codes and I Edmund , the promulgation of archiepiscopal admonitions as royal decrees is also reminiscent of those issued by Henry II after the synod of Dortmund in 1005 .
2 The significant results achieved using this text may have been specific to this domain and hence not necessarily repeatable in other domains ( i.e. the OALD may provide unusually good coverage of commercial or financial terminology ) .
3 In the face of mounting political and industrial unrest , Asquith may have been anxious to head-off further confrontation with feminists .
4 Major oceans would form the most long-lasting boundaries defining the provinces , but even these were not permanent , and migrations may have been possible in early geological periods when the distribution of land and sea was different .
5 There is also the great hill-figure , the Cerne Giant , which has been identified as Hercules and may have been one of many such figures .
6 Hallucigenia may have been one of these .
7 The impact on the other producers , at least Sumitomo and Kawasaki , who did not oppose the merger , may have been counter-productive in stimulating continued aggressive expansion ’ ( Kaplan , 1975 , p. 151 ) .
8 In January 1644 , assessed at £1,000 , he pleaded for a mitigation ; his lack of money may have been due to personal extravagance at court as much as political troubles .
9 In the entire study population the associations , particularly with periodontal disease , were weak and may have been due to small biases or residual confounding .
10 The decline in gonorrhoea and other sexually transmitted diseases in the mid-1980s may have been due to safer sex practices after health education through the mass media and various other local activities .
11 However , Lawrence and his colleagues caution that the lack of appearance of ‘ new long-stay ’ patients in the hospitals may have been due to geographical drift of such patients to other hospitals .
12 If you had difficulty with this one , it may have been due to sexual stereotyping — i.
13 The Queen 's Press Secretary , Charles Anson , has apologised to the Queen and the Duchess of York for a row after the announcement of the Yorks ' separation which suggested that the Duchess may have been unsuitable for Royal life .
14 In Nigeria , saplings occupied by Pachysima aethiops have more leaves and branches and less attack than those without but , because the few larger workers have a ferocious sting and the habit of dropping from the crown , it is suggested that they may have been effective against large browsing mammals too ; the ants also attack nearby plants and keep the host 's leaves clear of debris and epiphyllae .
15 Frank and Wallerstein 's versions of the international division of labour may have been accurate for some countries during some periods , but the re-formation of capitalism on a global scale in the latter part of the twentieth century has rendered it increasingly less so .
16 Such phenomena may have been present in three of our patints , in whom a slight bile acid malabsorption was found with the SeHCAT test , but in whom there was no increase in bile acid synthesis by the liver .
17 The effect of this may have been beneficial to some of the British potters , especially in Oxfordshire where good quality imitations of provincial samian vessels were produced .
18 Detectives believe the same gunman may have been involved in all three killings , firing one shot before disappearing , and then leaving other terrorists to dismantle the rifle .
19 ‘ Kevin Brown believes he may have been involved in some way .
20 No explanation for the fall was ever given , though Sir Thomas believed he may have been involved in some stupid jape .
21 He may have been involved in some other misdemeanours at the same time , but he was also supporting the poll tax in the Cabinet .
22 They believe Mr MacDonald may have been involved in some kind of argument shortly before his death .
23 Sex in private between consenting males over the age of 21 may have been legal since 1967 , but how far have attitudes really changed ?
24 This idea of metempsychosis , or transmigration of souls , has only occasionally appeared in the West , in particular in the school of Pythagoras , which may have been subject to Eastern influences , since he was roughly contemporaneous with Buddha — and also with Zarathustra .
25 The two ADF receivers were working in the ADF mode at the time of the crash , though the No 1 unit may have been subject to intermittent electrical interruptions due to poorly soldered joints .
26 Mr Bond was deemed to be insolvent at the time the bankruptcy judgment was entered against him and the bankruptcy notice was served — ‘ about three weeks ago ’ — but Mr Bond may have been insolvent before that time .
27 Getting into a state as a result of which someone died may have been reckless in ordinary language but there was a gap in time , a lack of contemporaneity , between the getting into the state and the victim 's death .
28 The early Malays may have learnt the ‘ Malay knot ’ made by birds , perhaps by copying the animals , while their medicinal knowledge may have been common with that of other species : monkeys in the Malay Peninsula eat jelly surrounding the germinating seeds of Scaphium spp .
29 Tall-herb and Salix communities with Rumex acetosa , Filipendula , and abundant ferns may have been common in wetter areas .
30 This may have been true at one time , when the vast majority of commuters were middle-class , but it does not apply in the postwar period when large numbers of commuters have been ‘ reluctant ’ villagers , constrained by the availability of cheap housing to living in the countryside ( Pahl 1965b ) .
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