Example sentences of "may have be a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He may have been a character in Kilburn 's past , but a folklorist , N A Hudleston , suggested he was Grim , otherwise the Norse god Odin .
2 ‘ This may have been a mixture of excitement , curiosity and immaturity — and the payment of money by the accused may have had an influence , ’ he said .
3 First , there may have been a continuation of the thick-enamelled trend independently of the pongine radiation , such as is seen in Graecopithecus for instance .
4 The second alternative is that there may have been a continuation of the dryopithecin radiation .
5 When these cyclosporin specific side effects occurred , there may have been a tendency for the study drug to be disclosed .
6 Migration may have been a factor in the 1920s , though the level of net migration from Britain was somewhat less than it had been in the previous two decades .
7 The military involvement of the northern Angles against the Picts may have been a factor in the success of Wulfhere 's coup in Mercia in 658 or 659 and in the disintegration thereafter of Oswiu 's southern imperium .
8 It may have been a factor in leading a plaintiff to sue in the county court rather than the High Court when his or her claim lay within its jurisdiction .
9 A perceived lack of response may have been a factor in the withdrawal of these patients , but deterioration of eczema was the principal reason for withdrawal in only 8 patients , 7 of whom were assessed at least once on treatment .
10 They also believe that their poor accomodation may have been a factor in loosing the baby .
11 The killing of Earnwine , son of Eadwulf , in 740 may have been a prolongation of older rivalries which sparked off a new cycle of vendetta .
12 It may have been a sign of things to come that though the strike led to a long lasting respect between Havelock Wilson and Tom Mann , no such relationship developed with Ben Tillett , who in his recollections of the strike refrains from making mention of Wilson at all .
13 It may have been a stopping-place for drovers — but he could still do Dr Johnson the honour of making lemonade from fresh lemons .
14 Dana was often embarrassed by his good looks and their power over everyone who met him , so his tiny writing may have been a kind of Walserian camouflage .
15 Charlton thought it may have been a kind of store-yard where goods for the abbey were landed and deposited .
16 The Edict of Pîtres ( unlike the Statute of Labourers ) may have been a response to a situation that was only local — confined , that is , to the lower Seine valley .
17 His plea that Louis stop appointing widows as abbesses may have been a response to the installation of Judith 's mother Heilwig as abbess of Chelles .
18 There may have been a grain of truth in this , and indeed the symptoms suffered by many people were real enough , but it was question-begging in the extreme to say that the states of mind induced were due to evil forces .
19 It might have been a question of time , it may have been a question of tooling , it may have been a question of instruments , it may have been a question of materials , raw materials , or a compilation of all of these things .
20 It might have been a question of time , it may have been a question of tooling , it may have been a question of instruments , it may have been a question of materials , raw materials , or a compilation of all of these things .
21 It might have been a question of time , it may have been a question of tooling , it may have been a question of instruments , it may have been a question of materials , raw materials , or a compilation of all of these things .
22 Well it may have been a grunt of irritation that his lovely hire-car was steaming up with two sweaty , stinking hill-walkers who had forced their way in uninvited , but I prefer to think disbelief .
23 Suez , in 1956 , may have been a buoy in the main stream of British history , marking the end of empire and the beginning of the post-imperial era , but the course taken by Britain when rounding that buoy was based upon her experiences since the end of the Second World War .
24 It is believed the victim may have been a member of the Irish People 's Liberation organisation .
25 Elizabeth did not get one , and that may have been a tribute to her good taste ; she would have had no room in her house for such an object .
26 It may have been a trick of the light .
27 Although there may have been a settlement of Illyrian-Greeks there before the second century BC when the Roman occupation of Dalmatia began , there is little evidence of continuous use of the site until the seventh century AD .
28 There was always the possibility , of course , that his suggestion of a fortnight ago may have been a whim of the moment , and he would no longer be approving of the idea .
29 In another case there was an announcement of a General Election and in another case there was a concern that there may have been a change of government because of the opinion polls .
30 Once a surplus had been converted to gold it could be used , for instance , to reward , and to supply jewellers with the necessary raw material to produce lavish items of jewellery ; it has even been suggested that Scandinavian decorated gold pendants , bracteates , may have been a source of bullion like the later coins ( Hawkes and Pollard 1981 ) .
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