Example sentences of "may have [been] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Alhred 's power-base may have been in the lower Tyne , for the body of his son , Osred , was carried to Tynemouth to be buried in the monastery there .
2 It may have been in the early 630s , when Oswiu was in his late teens , that he married Riemmelth , granddaughter of Rhun ( HB ch. 57 ) , for he had a son , Ealhfrith , and a daughter , Ealhflaed , old enough to be married c. 650 ( HE 111 , 21 ) .
3 However amenable to overseas influence Boiotia may have been in the prehistoric period ( p. 83 ) , classical , fourth-century and hellenistic Boiotia was in many respects deeply conservative and introverted .
4 However successful these policies may have been in the fifties we have , I believe , convincing evidence that they have failed since the world-wide inflation which started with the mismanagement of the finances raised to pay for the Vietnam War .
5 Pursuing this laissez-faire policy may have been in the national interest , but it did n't seem to be in John 's or that of the other hostages .
6 Weak though its labour organisation may have been in the 1880s , it had a longer tradition of trade unionism among seamen than any other part of the country .
7 The stress may have been in the wrong place .
8 We are all aware that streams dry up , valleys fill with silt ( Fig. 3 ) , and that changes can occur along the coast , but we perhaps underestimate how great these changes may have been in the last 1000 years .
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