Example sentences of "may have [been] [verb] by a " in BNC.

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1 Some conference representatives may have been influenced by a fiercely polemical front page editorial in yesterday 's Daily Mail .
2 Countess Cassillis said she believed that the jury may have been influenced by a crucial piece of evidence which was submitted only yesterday morning after the judge had completed his summing up .
3 And Williamson suggests that this line of approach may have been influenced by an important letter sent to Baldwin , by W. Bridgeman , which stated :
4 As most of Paterson 's book deals with the histories of Ayrshire 's leading families , his comment on the shoot may have been coloured by a desire to please the gentry involved in the Society , as by 1870 interest had declined to rock bottom with no entries for the papingo shoot .
5 THE cache of Semtex explosive and suspected bomb making equipment discovered on Hampstead Heath in London may have been hidden by an IRA cell for a bombing attack , it emerged yesterday , writes Terry Kirby .
6 You may have been instructed by a superior in your organisation to solve a problem by writing a report on it .
7 In the 1989 case , magma was forced into two arms of an underground fissure network ( northeast and south-southeast of the southeast crater ) but may have been stopped by a structural boundary ( the caldera del Piano ) seen on the surface as a break in slope and encompassing the southeast crater and stations Belvedere and TDF ( Fig. 1 ) .
8 Stoddart quotes a great number of opinions on this subject : it seems that some authorities think that they may have been caused by a fall in sea level which meant that the reef flat became a barrier to water movement , so that surf became channelled down the outer edge of the algal ridge as it returned to the sea ; alternatively the spur and groove system may be the most effective form of baffle for dissipating wave energy and is caused by reef-building corals forming the spurs — the grooves , once formed , may of course be accentuated by scouring .
9 The lack of reversal when splitting data by accident estimates may have been caused by a number of films with very little peripheral information in them , or it may simply have been an effect of the high correlation between risk and accident estimates .
10 It 's thought the blaze may have been caused by a spark from a firework used in a stage act getting into the air heating system .
11 It 's thought the blaze may have been caused by a spark from a firework used in a stage act getting into the air heating system .
12 Sources close to the ministry said later that early indications suggested the deaths may have been caused by a fault with a stove in the tent .
13 ANYONE who may have been disturbed by a recent Monitor report on the threat of cancer lurking in normal cells ( New Scientist , 3 March , p 583 ) , can sleep easy again , at least for the time being .
14 On the one hand , arrest may have been followed by a term of remand and then imprisonment .
15 It is very important that credit is given for any UK tax which may have been borne by an overseas trust .
16 This may have been characterised by a mystic other-worldliness which had little time for the concerns of this world , and the working out of faith in relation to the everyday challenges of life .
17 Even the first printed edition of a text may have been altered by an editor , printer or typesetter .
18 On a modern system this may have been replaced by a safety device called a residual current device ( RCD ) , which turns off the supply if it detects current leaking to earth , and so protects the system and its users against the twin risks of fire and electric shock .
19 For instance , the ground you are netting may have been worked by a fox , cat or dog just before your arrival on the scene and the rabbits sent scurrying for home .
20 The sensitivity of Bio-Rad GAP Test IgG described in our study is almost identical to that found by another groups , but the lower specificity could be explained by one or more of the following : their reliance on histology as a standard , which might be difficult to interpret in the presence of very few organisms ; the exclusion from their study of patients with chronic superficial or atrophic gastritis in whom H pylori was not identified , thus reducing the number of true negatives ; the relatively high number of cases of chemical gastritis in their H pylori negative group without specifying whether these patients had been treated with NSAID ; and the presence in their H pylori positive group of chronic atrophic gastritis in 117 of 160 ( 73% ) , which may have been paralleled by a rise in the number of false positive cases .
21 As I sit at this word processor , the chips of which may have been assembled by a young woman in the Philippines for a pittance a day and for such long hours that her eyes will be damaged in a tax haven created specially for foreign companies , I am acutely aware of the link between the health of the people of the Philippines and my life here in Britain .
22 A year earlier Matisse had show his painting Le Bonheur de Vivre ( Barnes Foundation , Merrion , Penn. ) at the Salon des Indépendants , where it had received a great deal of attention , and during the winter of 1907 Derain was engaged in painting a canvas of bathers ( Museum of Modern Art , New York ) which he intended to show at the Indépendants of 1907 , so that it is possible that the Demoiselles may have been prompted by a spirit of rivalry .
23 Although mineral rights are generally held by the surface landowner , they may have been retained by a previous landowner when the surface freehold was sold , particularly in areas with a long history of mining such as South-west England .
24 It 's badly bruised — it may have been knocked by a car .
25 I agree with you , the pointed base does suggest that it may have been used by a travelling craftsman .
26 The knife handle was found in Colchester and may have been used by a legionary .
27 Some of the patterns shown are so elaborate that it seems doubtful that they were woven : some may have been printed with blocks , while others may have been produced by a mixed-medium method , combining printing , embroidery , and appliqué work .
28 A further means , in hard cases , of avoiding the formalities required by s. 2 , Law of Property ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1989 , and s. 52(1) , Law of Property Act 1925 , may have been provided by a recent Court of Appeal decision on the doctrine of donatio mortis causa , which enables a person , in contemplation of their death , to make a gift without formalities .
29 For instance , the child may have been stigmatised by a physical handicap and rejected by peers for a number of years .
30 A ward at Guy 's Hospital in London has been closed following the deaths of two babies who may have been infected by a bug there .
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