Example sentences of "may have [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This section of the book is designed to help you come to terms with your deepest emotions and the people or events which may have caused them in the first place .
2 Major may have made it to the White House before Chancellor Kohl and President Mitterrand , but that does not mean he is regarded as being more important than either of them .
3 It is possible that supplies may have reached them by the same inner Asian route by which they imported jade and turquoise and exported silk .
4 Now all of this may well have made no difference to the final result ; the courts reading of the facts may have led them to the same conclusion whatever the meanings given to reasonable and unreasonable .
5 ‘ We urgently appeal to anybody who may have seen it during the 48 hours in which it was missing to contact us . ’
6 My mother 's hotel may have elevated her from the raw stuff of commerce — so much so that she now subscribed to Country Living and other unspecialist periodicals — but the caravan enclosure was decaying anew .
7 The fact that she would return to the same workhouse 10 years later was in itself not untypical ; many genuine helpers in such institutions may have had it in the back of their minds that one day they would become the cared for , rather than the person doing the caring , as old age took its toll .
8 Your experience of previous similar texts in the 1970s may have familiarised you with the form X rule OK which may permit you to divide this unpunctuated sequence into two parts :
9 As one consultant said : ‘ We may have overdone it to the extent that , apart from in certain industries , risk management may well already be regarded as old hat . ’
10 ‘ If she knew about the book , he may have told her about the contents , too . ’
11 Because one of the commitments I hope John er may have told you on the phone , one of the parts of the contract we have with G A is that they provide a list of businesses .
12 The self-confidence inspired by his Eton and Trinity background may have helped him in the several differences of opinion he has encountered in his life .
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