Example sentences of "may have [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While temples built in the later eighteenth century may have stood in a naturalistic landscape inspired by the paintings of Claude , earlier garden buildings almost certainly stood in more formal settings , and fragments of avenues or long overgrown yew and beech hedges may remain .
2 It may have begun as a seasonal steading , only later being permanently occupied .
3 In general we are our own worst enemies when it comes to enlarging and reinforcing our fears , so that what may have begun as a minor apprehension can escalate into a problem of mammoth proportions .
4 You may have to remain with an unsatisfactory state of affairs through most of 1993 , which means that any planned moves will prove heavy-going or much resented .
5 There the Millers may have lived for a short while .
6 Most of these , too , developed along existing paths , the paths that ran from village to village in Saxon times , though here and there they may have called for a new piece to complete the chain of paths .
7 The coins were found in a fairly straight line , indicating that they may have fallen from a torn purse .
8 Later it may have declined to a local field access path in the thirteenth century , been re-aligned by enclosure commissioners in the eighteenth century and turned into a dual-carriage trunk road in this century .
9 Marsh 's absence may have contributed to a disappointing first-day crowd of 7708 , but those present witnessed an interesting day , Australia reaching 222 for 4 , with the prolific Boon again to the fore .
10 It looks like he may have travelled under an assumed name , God knows why . ’
11 The consequence of what Nicholls may have intended as a politic and eirenical statement was suspension , degradation , and imprisonment .
12 Some have intimated that these contacts , while not illegal , raise suspicions that the superfund 's huge cache for money may have turned into a political slush-fund , spread around to fertilise the candidates of loyal Republicans .
13 We also have had serious problems , despite razor wire and big padlocks , and if it continues we may have to move to a new town , which will do no good for this community . ’
14 My phone number is not the one listed on this article as I may have moved to a new address by the time you read this .
15 Voluntary work in the community can be just as useful as anything you may have done in a paid capacity .
16 Police believe the gang may have transferred to a waiting car .
17 Market estimates for yesterday 's intervention put the Bank 's purchases of pounds as high as $500m , and there were indications that the authorities may have intervened to a similar extent the day before , when sterling fell almost 6 pfennigs .
18 Many of those aspects of your personality which you may have perceived in a negative way might be regarded by others as positive elements of your character .
19 Scanning the names of judges , senior policemen , politicians , journalists and hoodlums , together with the abrupt manner of their disposal — shot , strangled , dissolved in acid , fed to pigs — the reader is left in little doubt that , although today 's Mafia may have grown into a global enterprise , it is still a long way from joining the ranks of the world 's leading multinationals .
20 Some firms may have grown in an unplanned , unforeseen manner , others may have expanded in order to acquire greater prestige and so on .
21 An electric drill fitted with a masonry drill bit can be used to make a start , but sooner or later , you may have to resort to a cold chisel and large ‘ club ’ hammer .
22 For her , apart from the rewards of her job ( which she may plan to give up anyway when her parent becomes more dependent ) , her life is centred on a household where she knows she may have to deal with a slow decline in the health and strength of her relative , with all that implies for both of them in the future .
23 ( A planetesimal is a small , solid celestial body that may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system . )
24 There was a small top storey , a room on the flat roof which may have functioned as a sleeping place on hot summer nights : there were similar roof chambers on Egyptian houses too .
25 Also , unless something particularly striking happened there , it is difficult to see why an English annalist should single out Witland from the various places which Cnut may have visited during a Baltic expedition .
26 But both decisions were at the request of the race organizers who felt any cancellation or withdrawal may have resulted in a mass exodus of spectators from the circuit which would have hindered rescue operations .
27 Whilst the provisions of the agreement should when drafted accurately reflect what the partners desire to happen in certain specified events or , at any rate , what the partners may have agreed as a satisfactory basis for subsequent negotiation or a sufficient fall-back position if those negotiations should break down , they should be kept under regular review .
28 Molluscs may have evolved from a flatworm-like ancestor independently of the annelids , but molecular evidence supports the possibility of an annelid link .
29 ‘ This may have seemed like a good idea when the rink was being built because it should give long term durability , but when a problem like this arises then the whole rink has to be closed and dug up .
30 He accepted Christianity when the missionary Poppo proved the efficacy of the Christian god by undergoing the ordeal of carrying hot iron , and may have entered into a subordinate relationship with the German emperor Otto I. However , he rebelled after Otto 's death in 973 , and the following year was defeated at the Danevirke , a Danish defensive rampart in southern Jutland connected to the east with the important town of Hedeby .
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