Example sentences of "may [be] [vb pp] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Many hoteliers boast of their whirlpool baths but a leading hotel engineer cautions that those on a suck-blow system can trap water in the pump , risking legionella , while detritus sucked in may be blown out into the next bath if the unit is not adequately maintained .
2 But if the negotiators do allow them to fail after all , or if the United States Congress rejects any compromise that may be worked out during the next two months , the effects will be disastrous .
3 The electron velocity at the point z may be worked out by the simple consideration that the electron gains kinetic energy at the expense of its potential energy ( the same idea as in mechanics ) .
4 In other cases , a formula may be spelled out in the agreement showing how the market price is to be established .
5 In periods of slump , for example , they may be drawn out of the labour market more quickly than other groups ( particularly unskilled and semi-skilled older workers ) ; in periods of labour shortage , the justification for retiring and becoming a ‘ non-producing consumer ’ may be questioned as part of a campaign to call back or retain people in the labour force .
6 Even the ACE name may be thrown out with the dishwater in this latest development — too many bad memories ? — ‘ but you can be sure that there will be a deuce ! ’ one insider told Unigram last week .
7 In large-scale national surveys , as carried out regularly by market research firms and government agencies , interviews may be carried out over the whole country and the people who have the task of making the analysis of several hundred or thousand schedules can not possibly be for ever phoning through to the interviewers to ask what some cryptic little scribble opposite question number 15 is supposed to mean .
8 Segmentation This may be carried out on the basis of ( i ) intuition techniques and product and interpretation ; or ( ii ) use of market research positioning data ( suitably re-arranged and interpreted ) ; or ( iii ) using an analysis of attribute sets .
9 Planning requires the identification of tasks and matching the means with which they may be carried out in the time available and under the conditions prevailing .
10 We will now consider how pivoting may be carried out in the framework we have outlined .
11 This may be carried out in the candidate 's home country or in the overseas location .
12 The audit may be carried out by the organization 's own staff or by external consultants .
13 Counsel may be briefed with the approval of the Area Director ; assistance may be withdrawn in certain circumstances ; costs may be awarded out of the legal aid fund to an unassisted party ; the statutory charge operates subject to specified exceptions .
14 Throughout the activity , requests for verification and information on the various aspects of the design may be routed out into the network .
15 The reasonableness of bringing some element of quality into even a strictly hedonistic system may be brought out by the following thought experiment .
16 If the magnetic flux density is constant over the whole loop then B may be taken out of the integral sign , and the remaining integration yields zero .
17 it may be marked out on the ground , but the true circle is that which the magician creates mentally .
18 The leader and deputy leader of the party shall be elected or re-elected from amongst the Commons members of the Parliamentary Labour Party at the party conference … and with the provision as may be set out in the standing orders for the time being in force .
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