Example sentences of "may [be] [verb] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Unanimity is required for all important decisions , although in cases of disagreement the matter may be referred to the federal government for decision .
2 Bills relating to Scotland alone may be referred to the Scottish Grand Committee unless ten members object .
3 This may be compared to the total inflow of Japanese portfolio investment in the UK over 1986 Q1–1989 Q2 which amounted to some £23.2bn and total foreign inward investment of close to £50bn .
4 Among the Dutch paintings on offer are two by Pyke Koch in the style termed Magisch Realisme , which may be compared to the German Neue Sachlichkeit .
5 Staff in this store in Abingdon may be preaching to the converted .
6 The first sessions may be limited to the patient learning how to move his body , arm or leg into the right positions , while the therapist performs most of the actual dressing .
7 The feeling of psychological revival and an elevation of mood is a common experience in mountains , and this may be related to the euphoric and hallucinogenic effects of low oxygen levels in the brain brought about by hard exercise at high altitudes .
8 Expert skills may be related to the tangible , like bookbinding or open-heart surgery , or the more intangible , like negotiation or ability to analyse .
9 The NNW–SSE orientation of early Permian nonmarine sedimentary basins reflects a changing tectonic style that may be related to the early opening of the north Atlantic .
10 Turbulent flows have much higher entrainment rates than the corresponding laminar flows , a fact that may be related to the additional dissipation by the velocity fluctuations .
11 The standard incidence assumptions may be related to the simple fixed-factor , two-sector model discussed in Lecture 6 ( Section 6–5 ) , where there are two classes of consumer ( with homothetic utility functions ) .
12 Packer remarks that the greater willingness to join in collaboration against a consorting male may be related to the greater benefits that the altruism bestows on the recipient in these cases .
13 The authors suggest the rise in kidnapping in recent years may be related to the easier access now available to neonatal units , which were once open only to fathers , and then within strict visiting hours .
14 It may be related to the German ficken ( to strike ) and the Latin pungere ( to prick ) , but the connections have not been proven .
15 The reason for these different findings is unclear but may be related to the different forms of meal used .
16 The problem of neonatal infections due to antibiotic resistant organisms ( for example , coagulase negative staphylococci , Gram negative bacilli ) in special care units may be related to the widespread use of broad spectrum antibiotics in neonates .
17 However , having come thus far by car , exercise for the legs is needed , and a path along the south shore of the loch may be followed to the abandoned village of Skiary , wholly in ruins : a sad emphasis of the desolation around .
18 From Poolewe , a private road may be followed to the isolated croft of Kernsary ( cars may be taken thus far with permission ) , whence a track used by anglers leads up to Fionn Loch ; from it , branches the wilderness route to Dundonnell , entering a vast basin with an exciting array of mountains ahead , Beinn Lair and A' Mhaighdean being prominent .
19 In an entertaining and revealing note which prefaces this recording , the clarinettist Murray Khouri laments the passing of what he describes as the ‘ lyric ’ school of British clarinet playing , the origins of which , he suggests , may be traced to the vocal traditions of our great cathedrals .
20 Reference may be made to the following and to the papers cited under sections dealing with the skeletomuscular systems in the main regions of the body .
21 no amendment which would be to the advantage of participants may be made to the following without the prior consent of the Company in General Meeting :
22 And overtures may be made to the visiting New Zealand Under-21 News side to also bring their game forward to make it a big evening double-header .
23 If a client objects to the bill submitted by the solicitor in a contentious matter an application may be made to the High Court for an order for taxation of the bill .
24 Reference may be made to the National Code of Local Government Conduct , para. 3 ( Appendix D , post , p. 105 ) although it has to be said that that paragraph is not , in the author 's view , well drafted since it fails to indicate with sufficient clarity the difference between disclosing personal pecuniary interests ( failure to comply being a serious criminal offence ) and disclosing other interests ( which is simply a matter of prudence , but involves no breach of law ) .
25 Complaint may be made to the local authority environmental health department whose responsibility it is under s.91 of the Public Health Act 1936 to inspect their areas for the detection of nuisance and institute formal proceedings either summarily or in the High Court , where , in their opinion , the odour complained of amounts to a statutory nuisance within s.92 of that Act .
26 The departmental secretary has a standard letter on file which may be refined to the precise addressees and description of the opportunity .
27 Although more tension may be applied to the lower posterior wall of the reservoir than to the anterior wall during construction , one would expect to show greater differences in scores for these sites in relatively recently constructed reservoirs compared with those that had been in situ for several years , and the pathological changes would also be expected to be more like those of mucosal ischaemia .
28 Wittgenstein does not compare other answers that may be given to the two questions .
29 If the death is then considered to be from natural causes , the coroner will issue a notification that he does not consider it necessary to hold an inquest , and this may be given to the relative to take to the registrar or sent to the registrar direct .
30 Mr Greenspan said : ‘ Great importance may be given to the short-run stabilisation of domestic financial markets or foreign exchange markets . ’
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