Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A manager may feel threatened by the seeming erosion of his authority , or by the uncertainties created by a culture of change and flexibility .
2 With some halls on campus and others off , you need to consider the pluses and minuses : the first eliminates travel time and expense but you may feel isolated from the wider community ; the second involves travel time and fares but provides more choice of shops and entertainment , with an escape from the enclosed campus .
3 Frequently , however , there is also an ingrowth of the sternum near their origin so that they are carried inwards and the whole forms a Y-shaped structure , the furca , whose internal arms may become fused with the pleural arms or are connected with them by short muscles .
4 In a few years , the sward may become dominated by the coarse tussock-forming grass , Brachypodium pinnatum , and eventually the vegetation turns into some form of scrub and possibly woodland .
5 In his review of man , vegetation and the sediment yields of rivers Douglas suggested that little account had previously been taken of human influence and his studies of rates of erosion in a wide range of climatic conditions in eastern Australia suggested that the present sediment yields are far in excess of those which may have prevailed in the geological past .
6 Pollen and ovule eating may have begun in the Carboniferous , the first ‘ modern ’ group with such mandibles , the Coleoptera , appearing in the Permian , with Diptera and Hymenoptera in the Triassic , and Lepidoptera in the Lower Cretaceous .
7 The question may have niggled at the 7,776 advertising talents who entered their work for the prestigious Design & Art Direction Awards , some of whom will turn up tonight at a glittering Grosvenor House junket to find out whether they have won one of the silver or gold pencils .
8 You may have noticed over the last three slides that several of sites have had a zero er percentage registered and we certainly feel that in a couple of these sites this was probably due to poor note-keeping rather than a percentage .
9 Although the government continued to think him dangerous — and there are signs that he may have remained in the revamped United Irish movement during his brother 's imprisonment — in 1803 he advised Thomas Russell [ q.v. ] against rebellion and there is no evidence of treasonable activity thereafter .
10 Despite these efforts , erosion losses remain excessive and may have increased during the 1970s [ and this trend ] may continue indefinitely into the future . ’
11 Thus , whatever success individual parents may have achieved via the 1980 Act 's appeal system , it seemed , by 1986 , that ‘ rights of school choice do not appear to make much difference to the outcomes of school admissions or to the LEAs ' management of school rolls ’ .
12 Yet if they , or the possible abbatial vacancy , had any connection with the king , both may have stemmed from the unsuccessful attack which the Liber Eliensis records him as once having made on the monastery .
13 As at least four other Darlington Labour councillors have received Mr Major 's plea , a fifth of the ruling group , it begins to look as if the wheels may have fallen off the Conservative administrative process altogether .
14 Leslie had stated that he actually saw a telegram saying that ‘ all had been caught ’ , but this may have referred to the four spies which had been picked up near Rye in Kent .
15 It may have formed at the same time as Coed y Brenin .
16 In other words , the stress forces of the Earth , in particular stresses brought about by severe changes in climate , and the changing chemical nature of the surface , may have contributed to the great expansion , and occasional contraction , of species within narrow phyla that evolved from the recognizable solid life in the oceans ( oceanic life started , probably , in the Algonkian period , somewhere between 670 million and 600 million years ago ) .
17 Unlike the Cubists , the Futurists had never limited the colours on their palettes and were concerned with a wide range of subject-matter , so that they may have contributed to the general ‘ loosening-up ’ process that Cubism was undergoing .
18 When such incidents occur the guests feel that their trip has been ruined and blame the hotel , even when they may have contributed to the criminal opportunityby not securing their valuables in a safe deposit box .
19 Lower infant mortality may have contributed to the eighteenth-century fall .
20 Issues of government stock declined and this may have contributed to the lower trend in rates of interest .
21 Mapping of the eruptive products , done jointly with the University of Liverpool , suggests that more than one original caldera may have contributed to the volcanic assemblage .
22 Mapping of the eruptive products , a joint study with the University of Liverpool , further suggests that more than one original caldera may have contributed to the volcanic assemblage .
23 Both the intermittent treatment schedule and intensive patient monitoring with mental support may have contributed to the good compliance .
24 It is a schism which may have contributed to the stalled development of GaAs as an alternative in digital technology .
25 The divisions amongst the Christians weakened their power of resistance and may have contributed to the Ottoman victories of the sixteenth century .
26 Among the factors which may have contributed to the disorderly condition of the Gascon nobility was the slackening of the crusading effort against the infidel .
27 Controversy may have raged round the royal head of Marina Ogilvy but she had the good sense to choose a dress she could wear after her baby was born
28 For example , in the story above , Mrs Glen may have jumped to the wrong conclusion but if you were Mrs Glen how would YOU feel if you were tired , your lesson had been disrupted by exams in the hall next door , several people in the class were being awkward , you get interrupted by an unhappy violin teacher moaning about his pupils not turning up on time and then you re-enter your classroom to find someone crawling under your desk with a handful of expensive musical instrument ? !
29 ( I may have gone through the verbal motions once or twice , but that 's all . )
30 The outcome may have turned on the closing arguments of Mr Lozano 's lawyer , Roy Black , who had previously defended William Kennedy Smith on charges of date rape .
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