Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [adv] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And then on 10 April 1544 came Henry 's chilling order to his brother-in-law Edward , earl of Hertford , to put all to fire and sword , burn Edinburgh town , so razed and defaced when you have sacked and gotten what ye can of it , as there may remain forever a perpetual memory of the vengeance of God lightened upon ( them ) for their falsehood and disloyalty … and as many towns and villages about Edinburgh as ye may conveniently , sack Leith and burn and subvert it and all the rest , putting man , woman and child to fire and sword , without exception where any resistance shall be made against you ; and this done , pass over to the Fifeland and extend like extremities and destructions in all towns and villages whereunto you may reach conveniently , not forgetting among all the rest so to spoil and turn upside down the Cardinal 's town of St Andrews , as the upper stone may be the nether , and not one stick stand by another , sparing no creature alive within the same …
2 Once it has been killed , the kitten may trigger off a new reaction .
3 Morgenthau 's Realist theory was , as we have said , based on six principles , outlined in an introductory chapter added only in the second edition of the book ; this fact may explain why the six principles do not deal explicitly with two of the three concepts that are central to the remainder of the book , namely ‘ national interest ’ and the ‘ balance of power ’ .
4 This concept may explain why the inflammatory changes manifested in the clinical syndrome of ‘ pouchitis ’ are seen almost exclusively in patients who have had colectomy for inflammatory bowel disease rather than familial polyposis .
5 As will be discussed below , NCp7 shows cooperativity in binding to DNA , which may explain why the shorter fragments competed less efficiently for NCp7 than the longer DNA fragments .
6 Elements of the abductive sense may be instinctive , and the result of selection , others the product of training : selection may explain both the innate quality space and the flexibility which , we know , make possible the training which explains our current ( reliable ) sense of plausibility ( Quine 1969c ) .
7 Although PAS is a commercial business , Bill and Kath both have a soft spot for museums and collectors alike , and in the past have supplied , at reasonable prices , parts to large museums like the Imperial War Museum at Duxford , and to ‘ one man collections ’ who may want just a small item to complete a cockpit panel etc .
8 His intention is to experience an ‘ as if ’ context — in a game two friends may agree to behave as if they are opponents ; in drama two friends may make exactly the same agreement .
9 It is not possible to describe a suitable treatment for every type of window and there is no such thing as a standard window , since two identical windows located in a different position on a wall may need quite a different treatment .
10 Carlos Palenque , a mestizo who built up a media empire by getting poor Indians to telephone their complaints to his radio and television shows , may win quite a few votes in the capital .
11 The fact that a storm may show up the poor condition of a flat roof does not signify that storm was the proximate cause of damage .
12 We may perceive here the strange workings of the historical process according to Rousseau .
13 Then , by way of habit , if you leave the dog alone it will continue barking , and this noise may carry over a considerable distance .
14 We find it valuable to have a checklist of potential style markers ( even though this list itself is necessarily selective ) so that a reader may carry out a linguistic survey of the text , searching for significant features .
15 Crows may do much the same sort of thing as buzzards and eagles but , since there are so many of them , the luckless crows are ignored .
16 If there is plenty of food about , she may do so every other day .
17 Thus the death of his father is not an event that impinges on a child only at one particular point : it may go on producing shock waves through its continuing effect on the mother , which in turn may bring about a different relationship with the child ; in addition there may be economic difficulties as a result of which the mother has to go out to work , a new home has to be found , and an altogether new lifestyle adopted .
18 Give too much and it may bring about the very conditions it is capable of curing ; ‘ Through the like , disease is produced and through the application of the like it is cured ’ , said Hippocrates over 2000 years ago .
19 A six-month-old Rottweiler dog may appear quite a large dog in size , but mentally he is still very much a baby .
20 After years of regular waxing , the hair follicles may give up the unequal struggle and not grow back .
21 Thus , if implemented , notwithstanding the other requirements of SSAP 15 , companies may use either the full provision or partial provision basis in accounting for the deferred tax implications of post-retirement benefits accounted for in accordance with SSAP 24 and UITF 6 .
22 Just as young children will cry and remonstrate or say ‘ do n't leave me ’ , so the adult may use just the same words or convey by their behaviour that this is their worry .
23 People on higher incomes may use quite a wide range of credit sources , but are less likely than average to buy on mail order , much less likely to use HP , and very much more likely to use bank credit cards , bank loans and overdrafts .
24 In the complex interactions between myself and the countless others with whom I am remotely or directly engaged , my self-awareness and the self-regarding inclinations which it generates may occupy only a small part of my field of awareness , and not for any moral reason ; I feel myself spontaneously pulled towards admiration as well as pride , submission as well as power , masochism as well as sadism , judging myself from other viewpoints as well is judging others from mine .
25 Thus , liability may follow where the third party does not know , but ought to know , of the breach .
26 If for any reason , such as fire or overgrazing , the arms of the parabolic dune become unstabilised , the whole form may become merely a shapeless mass of sand migrating downwind through the dune belt .
27 Some idea of the variation that may occur along an individual plate boundary can be gained by considering the eastern margin of the Indian Ocean .
28 At one extreme , an encoder may provide only a bibliographic identification of the text .
29 An exceptionally aggressive horse may reduce the position of another natural herd leader ; a racehorse that always comes last may slide down the social scale ; whereas a horse low in self-esteem and of a more passive and gentle nature , may , if its confidence is given a considerable boost , decide to dominate other horses formerly higher in the pecking order .
30 Delegated legislation is used mainly to add detail to primary legislation which may lay down the general principles although matters of considerable importance are sometimes dealt with in this way .
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