Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [pron] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ However much analogy may lead us to conjecture the universal prevalence of law and orderly sequence , it has been acutely remarked that the phenomena which are most immediately important to the life and welfare of man are precisely those which he has never been , and probably never will be , able to reduce to a scientific calculation .
2 It may lead us to compare the relative increase in costs over a year , believing that we were comparing like with like .
3 After mature deliberation your Committee venture to propose to you to entrust them with powers to digest a scheme for the medical department , to receive claims , and investigate the merits of the different candidates who may propose themselves to fill the different situations in this line , as well as of the subordinate attendants of the house , and to report to you at your next general meeting the names of such persons as to them appear most proper , for your final approbation . ’
4 The following notes , questions and observations on courses which have a programmed development and which include written materials and tapes are just a few which may help one to assess the relative merits of the very many courses that are available to the EFL teacher .
5 This type of explanation may help us to understand the one-sided nature of exchange relationships with the Continent , noting also that the English probably had no direct access to a valuable and durable raw material without going to the extent of deep mining .
6 To do so , however , may cause us to miss the basic underlying reason for the patient 's problem .
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