Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Autonomy however should not imply total independence for although the manager may divest his authority to the surveyor to run the job on site , he is still ultimately responsible and must show support at all stages .
2 Older people like other members of the population may consult their GP at the surgery or request a home visit .
3 Help us to draw closer to others , in friendship and fellowship , so that as ambassadors for you we may convey Your message to the world today .
4 More literally translated that verse runs like this : ‘ I may cover his face with the present that goes before my face ; and afterwards I shall see his face ; perhaps he will lift up my face . ’
5 A carrier wishing to take proceedings to enforce his right of recovery may make his claim before the competent court … of the country in which one of the carriers concerned is ordinarily resident …
6 Concentration on user characteristics may deviate our efforts on the more central issue of effective retrieval for all the various types of searches .
7 The state of a country 's trading balance on a geographical basis may direct our attention to the condition of the trade balance with the rest of the world .
8 Where that does not resolve any difficulty , the client may pursue his claims with the Solicitors ' Complaints Bureau .
9 If you are still not satisfied you may send your complaint to the Health Service Commissioner ( Ombudsman ) , at Church House , Great Smith Street , London SW1P 3BW .
10 Henry Cecil does well at this track — he had two winners here yesterday — and Pabouche , also considered a potential classic candidate , may improve his record in the Burghclere Stakes ( 2.0 ) .
11 As an additional safeguard , you may refer your concerns to the Solicitors ' Complaints Bureau , whose details can be obtained from us .
12 A call to your local Trading Standards Department may give you information about the state of the business and your next step .
13 They hurt , sometimes excruciatingly , but on the deepest level of all , it is somehow ‘ all right ’ ; and out of the praise and gratitude and joy that spring from it when we can grasp it , I think that we may give ourselves permission for the more mundane , but wonderfully healing emotion of happiness .
14 The only uniformity of practice that the Board of Education desires to see in the teaching of Public Elementary schools is that each teacher should think for himself and work out for himself such methods of teaching as may use his powers to the best advantage and be best suited to the particular needs and conditions of the school .
15 Ed 's comment : Regular readers may remember my attack on the practice of dying Glassfish in an editorial last year calling for a complete ban .
16 He may keep his hand on the ball while kicking it ’ .
17 If the profit margins of manufacturers are too drastically reduced they may move their capital from the industrial to the financial sector ; if the political power of the unions is legislated against they may make their power felt at the economic level by going on strike , or at the political level by withdrawing from established parliamentary parties and so on .
18 We may anticipate its conclusions on the basis of its predecessors .
19 ‘ Miss Kenton , I wonder if I may draw your attention to the fact that the bed linen for the upper floor will need to be ready by the day after tomorrow . ’
20 In the parliament of 1371 two Austin friars argued that in a national emergency the prince who has endowed the churches may resume their property for the good of the realm ; about this time Langland was enlarging in Piers Plowman upon Holy Poverty , as were so many friars in their sermons ; before the end of the reign Wyclif , spokesman for Gaunt , especially against his wealthy political enemy , Bishop Wykeham of Winchester , was denying the right of priests to hold any property .
21 These drives may have their foundation in the overriding needs to survive and to reproduce .
22 ‘ Echoing ’ and ‘ complementing ’ may have their places in the unceasing babble , but the babble would not be a babble if dialogue were based purely on repetition and agreement .
23 We pray first for our own country , and ask your blessing on those who lead us ; we pray for Elizabeth our queen , that You will bless and guide her in all her responsibilities in this land and in the Commonwealth ; we pray for the Prime Minister and all his cabinet , that they may have your wisdom in the government of the country ; we pray for the leaders of the nations , and especially for areas where there is strife .
24 We may have our worries about the different future we see opening up before us — it would be odd if we did not — but surely we must see what is happening at the Brandenburg Gate as a European as well as a German triumph .
25 We may have our worries about the different future we see opening up before us — it would be odd if we did not — but surely we must see what is happening at the Brandenburg Gate as a European as well as a German triumph .
26 On Saturday night at the end of the Rosary Moran said , ‘ I want to offer a final prayer to God that He may guide your father on the right course , ’ and they all knew , even to the boy Michael , to what he was referring .
27 The village of Juniper Green may take its name from the Juniper bushes which once covered the lower slopes of the Pentlands .
28 The emphasis on animals as endangered species may take its roots from the historical preferences of naturalists and scientists .
29 Litigants may not argue on its basis before a local judge , but they may take their cases to the European Commission after they have exhausted all locally available remedies .
30 Your screen and external devices , like modems , may take their power from the PC , but it will come directly from the PC 's power supply unit .
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