Example sentences of "may [adv] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The making of a bankruptcy order may effectively lead to a professional no longer being able to practise in his or her profession , and therefore all possibility of income generation would be lost .
2 I understand that at the GATT negotiations , for example , we may eventually settle for a 30 per cent .
3 Although many parasites can probably attack a variety of related species in the initial development of the relationship , the parasite fine tunes its metabolism as the symbiosis progresses and may eventually adapt to a single species of the host .
4 If the shaman is exposed to the insidious effects of the fungus for too long he may eventually turn into a giant shaman mushroom .
5 We should also not rule out the possibility that one may properly look to a historical explanation , just as a historical explanation underlies the fact that the comparatives of tired and spoilt — derived from verbs — are analytic , as in : ( 56 ) Declan is more spoilt than Karen Declan 's mother is more tired than Karen 's mother rather than the synthetic forms — tireder , spoilter — which we should expect from the monosyllabic adjectives which they have become .
6 Because EPS files are stored with an accompanying bitmap they must be transferred in binary format and , owing to the screen problems , may only appear as a grey rectangle on the PC .
7 If you hold a full Great Britain licence but are currently disqualified in GB you may only apply for a provisional licence .
8 Any actuarial calculation must therefore be discounted to allow for the chance that he may only live for a shorter period .
9 This stands for Cooperative Awards in Science and Engineering and erm under this scheme , a company erm can have a problem tackled by a research student working in a university and erm a supervisor , and indeed in this case , the input , the financial input , by the company may be quite small , may only amount to a few hundred pounds .
10 As a result , a political response to economic crisis does not arise automatically , but may only emerge with a considerable lag , and its content will be highly variable from polity to polity .
11 It does not exist where one of the parent companies may alone decide upon a joint venture company 's commercial activities .
12 I realize that if one looks at the matter objectively , one has to concede my father lacked various attributes one may normally expect in a great butler .
13 White 's quiet opening may still lead to a slight edge for him if Black permits e4 .
14 Some of these may formally belong to a religious group .
15 Computers which operate reliably in classrooms and offices in Boston , London or Paris , may quickly fail in a dusty village in Senegal .
16 They may also serve as a useful basis for all children for heuristic strategies , that is , in producing the answers to unknown facts from known ones , for example 8+7= ( 7+7 ) +1 .
17 Our two personae may have the roles of speaker and hearer , yet they ‘ may also stand in a certain linguistically-relevant relationship of status vis-à-vis one another ( parent : child , master:servant , teacher:pupil , etc . ) . ’
18 A positive result may also lead to a great consciousness of the need to lead a healthier life and to seek medical advice where there is any indication of illness .
19 Insider trading may also lead to a significant loss of confidence in the Stock Exchange , particularly amongst small investors .
20 But the real-balance effect may also operate on a wider array of assets which constitute the net worth of the private sector , though there has always been controversy over the range of assets to which it is supposed to apply .
21 A breach of a covenant of quiet enjoyment may also amount to a criminal offence .
22 Students in this year may also opt for a substantial period on an experimental or computational project within the Meteorology Department .
23 Q.Ts. wishing to attend a course to which they are not deemed to be attached may also attend on a daily basis at £2.50 per session .
24 But gastric metaplasia may also develop as a non-specific response to mucosal injury not associated with acid peptic damage .
25 Software manufacturers fear that squeaky-clean Singapore may now emerge as a new centre for the pirates .
26 Anglers and shooters may now wish for a lower profile and conflict with canoeists and ramblers respectively will bring publicity they could do without .
27 In the first two cases ( ( a and ( b ) ) there will be a beneficial effect on output , employment and balance of payments , whereas in the third case there will be no overall positive effect on any of those variables ; it may even result in a negative effect if Nissan 's components are ‘ less British ’ than those of other UK-based manufacturers .
28 This always goes down well and may even result in a congratulatory Mars bar whether you win ( unlikely ) or lose ( strong possibility ) .
29 There will be 40 happy faces when the School ends tomorrow but there will also be a lot of tears and Whelan may even return for a seventh time .
30 Your project may even qualify for a local authority grant !
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