Example sentences of "may [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We therefore know that there was long-distance transport of stone axes in prehistoric Britain , which may have begun with carriage of axes from the axe factory to a secondary distribution centre , from where they were traded out into the surrounding area .
2 The entire proceedings , including questions which the data collector may have asked for clarification during the search , were recorded on a sound recorder .
3 First , because there are still far more betrayed women than men around : the percentage of wives playing away may have risen from 26% in the 50s to around 40% now , but a conservative estimate suggests that 60% of husbands have cheated at least once — and one US survey puts the figure as high as 82% .
4 Our results imply that WUE of C3 plants may have increased by 27% over the past 200 years and 100% since the LGM .
5 Our study indicates that unsafe sexual practice may have increased in men from 1987 .
6 The Carpets may have tumbled from grace with those anxious to keep pace with fashion , fallen victim to a mid-career plunge into the realms of prog rock and put out the odd dodgy single , but they 're currently looking like people whose revived self-belief is entirely justified .
7 The other names are more obscure although Weryng may have survived as Waring from the Old German Warin , which was a popular Norman personal name .
8 Well there 's much talk at the moment about what 's called the backlash effect , that in fact , th the any advances that the feminist movement may have made on behalf of er of women is having precisely the , wrong effect and er and men are are reasserting their the their more old fashioned style .
9 It will include , for example , details of the section of the textbook or other printed material involved in the lesson and any notes the teacher may have made as part of the lesson plan or as a record of events in the lesson .
10 You may only have seen the property once , and for all sorts of emotive reasons , may have fallen in love with the place .
11 Certainly it was more localized ( by town ) than its counterpart in England , and the relative autonomy of local unions may have contributed to weaknesses in the early days .
12 Some people , Christine says , may have gone through agonies with their Romanian babies .
13 He may have gone to Italy in order to escape the regime of Queen Mary I , and his support of the Protestant settlement of 1559 was clear , but his credit suffered because his Catholic wife practised her faith within his household .
14 All this evidence strongly suggests that ( h ) has been a variable in English for many centuries : [ h ] -loss may have gone to completion in some varieties at particular times and places , but in general speech communities have used the variation over these centuries for stylistic and social marking .
15 This happened despite whatever the countries ' constitutions may have said about freedom of speech .
16 " Her wealth " may have consisted in part of lands earmarked for the queen : now she must relinquish them .
17 Involvement is one thing , but we should never make the mistake which we may have done in relation to local government , of appearing to focus all our energies in one direction .
18 Not only may viruses incorporate themselves into our DNA , but there is now a suggestion that some viruses at least may have arisen from bits of our own DNA which have escaped from our cells and become so modified as to be capable of independent existence .
19 Thus , the primary stones may have developed in women during the childbearing period of life as a result of the cylic production of hormones , pregnancy or the ingestation of oestrogen containing oral contraceptive drugs , or both .
20 The early evolutionary stages of development of wings are still in question they may have developed from outgrowths of exoskeleton from the body that assisted gliding initially , and then acquired a propulsive function .
21 Such pity as she well may have felt for Ramsey in its distress , he has traduced and despoiled , and here we have no rights .
22 The owner of a thing is the person who has , in the fullest degree , those rights of use and enjoyment , of destruction , and of disposition , which have been mentioned above — subject , of course , to the general rules of law which protect the rights of others , to certain limited rights which he or his predecessors may have created in favour of others , and , in the case of land , to rules imposed by statute under which local and other authorities may purchase property compulsorily .
23 When , a few weeks later , Labour overturned a large Tory majority in a by-election at East Fulham , this was widely seen as evidence of the popularity of pacifism — despite the fact that Labour 's candidate , John Wilmot , had been more concerned to appeal to Liberal supporters of the League than to whatever sentiment may have existed in Fulham in favour of war resistance .
24 Mass killings of indigenous peoples may have reduced in scale over the past 500 years , but they have never stopped .
25 In the SOLVD prevention study nearly 19% of the placebo group received open label treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors during follow up and this crossover may have resulted in underestimation of survival benefit .
26 The personal effort and good fortune of the partners may have resulted in advancement in the past , but continued success in a growing practice will be helped by the clarity of its aims .
27 It is one of the tasks of the inquiry by the West Yorkshire Police , supervised by the authority , to discover how many of the 754 arrests by the squad since January 1986 may have resulted in convictions from fabricated confessions .
28 He may have fled to Spain at some time , and apparently owned land in the Canary Islands .
29 But that need not discourage ideas from members for articles on the home front : for example , what your group is doing , any successes you may have had on behalf of prisoners-of-conscience .
30 The first arises because at stage ( 2 ) delivery of the documents may not necessarily be matched by payment of the full price ; the agreement may have provided for payment by instalments and the seller will then retain a lien on the shares as an unpaid seller .
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