Example sentences of "may [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would appear that an obligation of confidence may arise in relation to information which is overheard but it seems that this will only be the case where the recipient has used surreptitious means to put himself in a position to overhear the information .
2 Sexual dysfunction may arise from fear of pregnancy or parenthood , anxiety as to the possibility of venereal disease , guilt as to a child 's disability , or anger at the sex role thrust upon one by society .
3 In endemic areas in the northern hemisphere infection may persist from year to year in two ways :
4 By developing the principle of least work as one of several ways in which the condition of maximum probability may exist in relation to entropy , Leopold and Langbein ( 1962 ) theoretically derived the longitudinal profile of rivers and the hydraulic geometry of river channels .
5 The types of licence which a board may grant by virtue of Schedule 1 are as follows .
6 And er that had to be regulated , regulated as far as fairness and response to er any claim that our members may make in respect of fairness you know , er and it , to enable them to reach the target bonus .
7 L3 may survive on pasture from autumn until late spring in sufficient numbers to initiate infection or occasionally to cause disease .
8 Alternatively , a dealer may act as agent on behalf of the issuer , placing paper with investors on a best endeavours basis .
9 During adolescence bicycle accidents and sporting injuries become more common and , although more aware of danger , rebelliousness or over-confidence may result in lack of consideration for personal safety and the safety of others .
10 Calcium , cyclic AMP , and perhaps other mediators induce phsphorylation of several intracellular proteins , which may result in activation of plasma membrane transport systems .
11 This definition was used by Cohen to explain the response to youth in the 1950s and 1960s but it can be similarly applied to moral crises in the more distant past — one may refer by way of example , to the nexus of fears generated by the French Revolution , which significantly shaped the contours of ‘ Victorian ’ sexuality , or the anxieties which produced the legislative restructuring of the 1880s and 1900s , or the fears generated by the cold war in the 1950s .
12 There are some studies indicating that these autoantibodies may contribute to lysis of colon epithelial cells through antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity ( ADCC ) mechanisms .
13 Hewlett-Packard Co Precision Architecture RISC and Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc versions may follow as part of Apple 's Cat in the Hat project ( CI No 2,090 ) .
14 Social life in the country may revolve around entertainment of business associates and other expatriates in the home .
15 Old people are not as steady on their feet as they once were , and falls may occur through loss of balance , weak arms or legs or poor eyesight .
16 Whereas the user of surface water had once to cope only with changes due to weather ( i.e. , silt in storm water ) , of which some warning was obtained , in future the change may occur without warning in mains water .
17 There are no other possibilities for final consonant clusters containing and , except that the pre-initial or may occur in combination with post-final , as in ‘ squelched ’ , ‘ hinged ’ .
18 The list is comprehensive and correct at the time of publication , but additions and deletions may occur from time to time .
19 No attempt should be made to use monetary policy to offset any disturbances which may occur from time to time .
20 In Peru , up-and-coming executives use a period of employment with a multinational as a form of training in the methods and values of big business and then may shift to employment with state or private Peruvian firms or go into business on their own ( Becker 1983 ) .
21 He makes it his business to extract from fashion whatever element it may contain of poetry within history , to distil the eternal from the transitory …
22 She is one of several on whose services I may call from time to time .
23 The 1938 Act was repealed and replaced by the Inheritance ( provision for Family and Dependants ) Act 1975 , which increases the range of dependants who may apply for provision on death and gives the court wider powers than previously existed so that it can make whatever type of order may be most appropriate in the circumstances .
24 Judgment creditors may apply on notice for increase in instalments , or for payment on an earlier date , and this is also determined by the district judge ; if the judgment creditor seeks extended payment , or smaller instalments , he writes to the court and the proper officer simply makes the new order .
25 In education , as in other disciplines , bodies of opinion may develop from time to time which present an unusually sharp challenge to accepted wisdom .
26 Grant that the audiovisual media which nourish your gifts of hearing , speech and sight , may serve for growth in wisdom and discernment in all your people .
27 All of these may vary from brew to brew , leading to beers with variable bitterness .
28 The action is an invocation to the Queen of Serpents , the Royal Nagini , whose name may vary from State to State through the land .
29 Where the parties have not chosen the law which is to govern their contract the applicability of the Convention will depend upon the law governing the contract as determined by the conflict rules of the forum , which , of course , may vary from State to State .
30 A child 's linguistic performance may vary from day to day and even from hour to hour .
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