Example sentences of "may [verb] [noun] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The likely unpopularity of the local income tax may explain resistance to this tax .
2 Both high income commuters and lower income residents may resent development of this kind : the one because it interferes with their fantasy of the rural life , and the other because it pushes up house prices without providing any new job opportunities .
3 Pupils with field defects who therefore do not have a complete visual panorama may have difficulties of this kind .
4 I would be glad if you could investigate this matter and advise contractors , and others who may have access to this accommodation , of their obligation when undertaking work .
5 IT MAY surprise readers of this column that I have never in my life voted Conservative at a general election .
6 However , if you feel that the specially negotiated benefits of the NatWest Hospital Income Plan are more suited to your needs , you may take advantage of this offer and cancel your existing policy .
7 However , if you feel that the benefits of the Midland Personal Accident Plan are more suited to your needs , you may take advantage of this offer and cancel your existing Policy .
8 One may hear echoes of this kind of project in I.A. Richards or the New Critics , but they none of them have the same degree of theoretical rigour and consistency , and they do not take the emphasis on the distinctively literary to the same degree .
9 The eldoniids , a group of medusiform animals each with a prominent coiled gut ( Fig. 4 a ) may repay consideration in this regard .
10 Hip dysplasia is most commonly associated with large breeds , and puppies at just five months old may suffer pain from this condition .
11 The local economy may derive benefits from this brain drain , even sufficient to offset the costs , if there is seen to be fair competition between the TNCs and the indigenous firms for trained managerial , technical and craft personnel .
12 ( Readers may find parts of this account upsetting ) R ape in warfare has often been overlooked .
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