Example sentences of "should be [verb] [prep] in the " in BNC.

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1 They sat together in the darkness , in front of the log fire which was welcome on a summer night suddenly grown cool , and Molly wondered why S. Kettering should be referred to in the past tense .
2 Any persons whose names are not known to the applicant should be referred to in the application and in the title to the proceedings as " other occupiers " .
3 62% felt that they should be cared for in the community in ordinary homes rather than in special homes or hospitals
4 According to the Guidance : " The temporary nature of the interim order should be allowed for in the exercise of these responsibilities , but it is not a reason for not taking them seriously . "
5 ‘ I feel that any threatened site , be it on land or not , should be looked at in the same way : that is , will excavating this site advance our knowledge of history in a significant way ?
6 However , it is in the various statements indicating the extent to which managerial prerogative is constrained in this context that differences of emphasis have emerged relating to what should be looked at in the assessment of the employer 's reasonableness in dismissing ‘ refuseniks ’
7 The two most important decision areas in educational planning are to decide how many children should be provided for in the school system at what ages and levels , and to decide the purpose for which they are sent there .
8 Lyric poetry is not subjective in the ordinary sense ; and in its freedom from subjectivity it should be thought of in the same terms as music .
9 Note : These claims should be dealt with in the Department ( unless limits as per Property SCI 7 exceeded ) , in conjunction with Suppliers ( total loss ) or repairers ( partial loss ) .
10 Japan on June 27-30 proposed a package of rules on origin , including non-discriminatory treatment , predictability , and transparency of procedure , while the EC suggested that such matters should be dealt with in the Customs Co-operation Council ( CCC ) .
11 On Nov. 6 the USA further suggested that fish and forestry products should be negotiated in the agriculture group , while tariffs , non-tariff measures and subsidies on natural resource-based products should be dealt with in the relevant groups .
12 Discuss how each of the above should be dealt with in the accounts giving reasons for your decisions .
13 All capital instruments should be accounted for in the balance sheet within one of the following categories :
14 Where the finance cost for non-equity shares is not equal to the dividends the difference should be accounted for in the profit and loss account as an appropriation of profits .
15 The profit or loss on the disposal of an asset should be accounted for in the profit and loss account of the period in which the disposal occurs as the difference between the net sale proceeds and the net carrying amount .
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