Example sentences of "should be [verb] [prep] [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 Sufficiently accurate cost forecasts ( including consequential costs such as disruption to the works of introducing the decision ) should be made of all the possible options identified .
2 Before the Validation program may be run , the LIFESPAN system must be closed down , and a backup copy should be made of all the database files .
3 Soviet writers tended to stress rather that , although this was not specified in the ZOPFAN declaration , it was clear from its ‘ context ’ that ‘ the zone of peace , freedom and neutrality should be extended to all the states of Southeast Asia and not only to the members of ASEAN ’ .
4 The author noted that the zone should be extended to all the states of Southeast Asia and raised the question of its full demilitarisation .
5 Do not be overly concerned with the correctness of rich picture , particularly in terms of format and layout , although the conventions used should be understood by all the analysts involved .
6 There is a common concern in the Division that the values which guide research in the area of Language in Education , and which research findings confirm , should be revealed in all the teaching throughout the Division .
7 Generally , an exchange 's rules are themselves usages , not least because they should be followed by all the exchange 's members .
8 Lord Clinton , chairman , said : ‘ This is a marvellous result which sets a precedent which should be heeded by all the water and detergent companies and is a positive step forward for the future health of all rivers in the South West . ’
9 ‘ A Jewish friend of mine , in Germany , said that after Kristallnacht , last November , Goering suggested that the Jews should be charged for all the damage that was done .
10 The ‘ Teaching Office is not above the word of God , but serves it ’ ( Dei Verbum 10 ) , ‘ Easy access to Sacred Scripture should be provided for all the Christian faithful ’ ( Dei Verbum 22 ) .
11 The most significant are that the proposed SAS requires auditors to be active , rather than passive , and to perform procedures specifically designed to identify circumstances which might call into question the appropriateness of the going concern basis ; that the future period which should be considered by both the directors and auditors in assessing the validity of the going concern basis should be extended to one year from the date the accounts are approved by the directors ; and that emphasis is now placed on the need for adequate disclosures in accounts of matters giving rise to inherent uncertainties that affect a company 's ability to continue as a going concern .
12 Holders should be used for all the MOS devices and it is a good idea to use i.c. holders for the other three integrated circuits as well .
13 In finding such probabilities , some account should be taken of deaths in the cohort during the year in question ; we can assume that a person dying lives , on average , six months of the year so that the population at risk of marriage at the start of the year should be reduced by half the deaths .
14 ‘ We owe it to the public that our games should be controlled with all the exactness that is possible . ’
15 Yes , it is outrageous that we feel grateful for that , but the outrage should be directed at all the other movies that still imply the opposite .
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