Example sentences of "should [be] [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Santomaso 's links with Peggy Guggenheim date back to 1948 when the artist suggested to Rodolfo Pallucchini , General Secretary of the Venice Biennale , that Peggy Guggenheim 's collection should be exhibited in the Greek Pavilion .
2 Something , however , must lie behind the feeling in the literary sources that politicians like Kleon were different , and perhaps the difference should be sought in the new and larger audiences assembled on the Pnyx as a result of the evacuation of Attica in 431 .
3 But to avoid doubt specific reference should be made in the written contract .
4 What disclosure should be made in the respective companies ' financial statements ?
5 However , competitors ' terms may provide the drafter with an indication of the points which should be covered in the standard terms .
6 The following issues should be covered in the initial meeting :
7 Can I just just Er is that something that perhaps should be explained in the explanatory memorandum with the discussion on this criterion in particular is quite brief .
8 Although all the steps ( a ) to ( d ) were completed by the balance sheet date , some would argue that as the redundancy costs are to be incurred in the next year , they are not liabilities that should be recognised in the current year 's accounts .
9 Hence , it should be recognised in the current year 's accounts .
10 Once it is determined that an entity has an item that meets the definition of one of the elements , the next question to answer is whether that item should be recognised in the financial statements .
11 The gain or loss should be recognised in the consolidated financial statements .
12 Grazing should be prohibited in the newly-cut coupe for about seven years to allow the establishment of new seedlings .
13 This modification should be incorporated in the British RES .
14 Some regard the techniques as a useful alternative to many techniques of the conventional approach , and which therefore should be incorporated in the conventional approach .
15 The Group agreed that input should be incorporated in the Corporate Plan .
16 Martin thinks that this was probably an oversight on my part and suggests that a simple s.p.s.t. toggle switch should be incorporated in the positive supply from the 9V battery .
17 If the difference is only minimal it is so easy to " forget " to pronounce a sound in the way it should be pronounced in the new language .
18 French President François Mitterrand dissociated himself from the statement because of a passage which , praising Soviet moves to democracy and " economic liberty " , said that market economies should be created in the Soviet republics .
19 Having created a new routine it should be compiled in the normal way and then linked as described on in section 23.1 .
20 They would permanently weaken the basis of Unionism , and towards these objectives the energies of the progressive people in the North should be bent in the coming months .
21 Of course , there may be considerations arising from the recruitment area which have a bearing on how computerization should be tackled in the other areas , but there is no doubt that a consistent overall strategy can be developed which incorporates all the major aspects of personnel administration and integrates them one with another .
22 To the credit of both Hortense and Le Bas , it was agreed that Louis-Napoleon should be enrolled in the High School at Augsburg , a move which it was hoped would not only remove a tendency to idleness and day-dreaming but would also give him a chance to make friends with other boys of his own age .
23 Any food made with these should be avoided in the main .
24 We joined embattled coalfield communities in South Wales , who have suffered decades of dirt , noise and heavy traffic , in a call for a complete overhaul of Minerals Planning Guidance Note 3 which currently tells planning authorities that opencast mining should be permitted in the national interest .
25 At a time when household formation rates suggest we should be going in the opposite direction , simply to stand still .
26 And in late September , in a meeting with President Collor , Passarinho insisted that mining should be allowed in the Yanomami Park .
27 If rate switches are in use , they should be set in the low position on the cyclic controls , since difficulties are usually pilot-induced ( unintentionally ) and it helps to make the model as docile as possible .
28 Wennington to Mar Dyke scheme should be started in the coming financial year , subject to satisfactory completion of remaining procedures .
29 Regarding the management structures you have supplied , I suggest that for the smaller unitary authorities a second Assistant Director should be inserted in the proposed Planning Department structures .
30 No child should be put in the powerful position of having to tell tales on another child .
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