Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [adv prt] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Three or four goes should make up the mind for her , ’ said Raimundo evilly , as Perdita picked herself up off the dusty ground .
2 The merger with the CBSI should slow down the fall in membership and thus the subscription base , though the eventual impact on reserves is hard to forecast .
3 If a husband wishes to set up his own business , his wife should think through the implications of having her husband at home all day , if she is at home too .
4 It 's perhaps fitting that the Services and Communication Department should bring up the rear in this group of presentations , because one of its key priorities is to provide a coherent professional support service to the organisation as a whole .
5 Now I think we should bring down the curtain on this little episode , and go to bed .
6 Answer guide : The answer here should bring out the distinction between directly variable costs and other costs attributable to getting the product to its ‘ present state and condition ’ .
7 I suppose I should warm up the audience with a few Hound of the Baskerville howls , send Rainbow 's eyes swirling round like Roman candles , and cause fruity Yiddish curses to croak and gibber from her mouth .
8 But , then , we should give up the concept of " identical meanings " and accept that there can be only relative similarities of use , and hence only approximate , pragmatically testable , substitutability of certain expressions within similar contexts .
9 When he was approached to run British Aerospace the government insisted he should give up the directorship of W$G , but Pearce , displaying his usual resolve , would n't hear of it .
10 But to suggest that we should toss out the Garden of Eden story because it is not necessarily literal historical fact would be a dangerous precedent .
11 The plaintiff 's solicitor should draw up the schedule in four columns , for item number , description , amount claimed and the fourth , blank , for the defendant 's comments .
12 In theory this should sort out the wheat from the chaff but the definition of wheat in the intelligence world is so wide that even with the best filter the net volume of material is of such staggering proportions that it is beyond any useful human assessment .
13 As he had done with the Axis in 1940 and the Allies in 1945 , Franco considered that the foreign powers were in his debt and , therefore , that he , not they , should lay down the terms of Spanish cooperation .
14 The report should set out the restriction in a separate paragraph ( usually placed before the firm 's signature ) using such wording as :
15 Though the appeal should set out the grounds on which the appeal is based , appeals which fail to do so will not be regarded as inadmissible .
16 Internally , the routine use of electronic mail should cut down the amount of paper which passes between staff , and may reduce workload on support staff .
17 A king should rein in the aggression of warriors , especially of young men ; he should punish crime , keep his court a place of peace .
18 If you are part of a group with instructors then the instructors should take on the roles of the Jones and tell you the sort of things they think Olwyn will work for .
19 To help the trainees to provide their own answers , instructors should take on the role of parents or anyone else and be prepared to answer any of the trainees ' questions .
20 A national health service should take over the provision for medical care in the old insurance scheme and effectively underpin the new one .
21 Although each patch would have a back-up long-term hostel , it was intended that the mental health centres should take over the role of caring for most people with longer-term difficulties .
22 The eldest son of a prosperous producer of soya oil and saki , in Nagoya , the parents of Morita expected that he should take over the control of the family business .
23 Lini also suggested that the churches should take over the running of a large part of the school system in the interests both of efficiency and economy .
24 This can , of course , create very undesirable consequences : social stability may be endangered by concentration of too much power and/ or wealth in too few hands ; the privacy of citizens may be abused under the excuse of maintaining law and order , or for commercial gains ; the state may take a " big brother " role ; the business community may acquire too much political power ; or , although very unlikely , IT experts may decide that they should take over the running of the country , since it is only they who can understand the unnecessary complexity of IT systems .
25 The appointment fulfilled a requirement of the 1977 Panama Canal Treaties that a Panamanian should take over the post from a US citizen at the beginning of 1990 .
26 Thus it was that I decided to give Edward Young a greater part to play in At Home in Thrush Green for , having burnt down the rectory in an earlier book , it seemed only right that I should hand over the job of replacing my act of arson to the architect I had created .
27 ‘ Then perhaps you should pass on the lesson to Señor Mitchell , ’ he grated .
28 It took place quite a long time ago , it is known as the cessation of the plebs there were two occasions on which the workers of of Ancient Rome and withdrew from the city and their t the terms on which as as far as I recollect the terms of their return where that somebody should write down the law in comprehensible terms and that there should be a special officer , a tribune appointed who could if necessary explain what the law was to them .
29 You should point out the necessity of co-operating with the doctor but you should warn the plaintiff that this is limited to matters relating to his or her medical condition .
30 Scots , in particular , should rejoice over the disbandment of a regiment , praying that at last their sons ' names need not be added to the memorials which stand in every town , village and glen across the country as mute testament to the suffering and sorrow of the past .
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