Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This will be sufficient to investigate the energy range in which the electromagnetic forces should become unified with the weak forces according to the Salam-Weinberg theory , but not the enormously high energy at which the weak and electromagnetic interactions would be predicted to become unified with the strong interactions .
2 The councillor should become acquainted with the principal officers from whom he can gain a considerable amount of information and help .
3 Lennox should have scored in the 75th minute when McLaughlin 's long-range strike was pushed onto the post by O'Shea , but with an open goal in front of him , Lennox sliced his shot into the side netting .
4 Les Ferdinand should have scored in the 16th minute when he escaped Shaun Teale and side-stepped goalkeeper Nigel Spink but the Rangers striker allowed Steve Staunton to get back and make two retrieving tackles in front of a gaping net .
5 It was a remark he should have reserved for an aging Peruvian marksman called Cubillas .
6 The failure of Britain 's membership of the European Monetary System should have led to a complete rethink of the Maastricht agreement to move to a single currency .
7 So , in theory , all should have kept in the same condition as when first stored .
8 I should have referred to the hon. Member for Dunfermline , West ( Mr. Douglas ) , who comes from Govan .
9 It follows that , apart from the question of the impact of Community law , such is the discretion which the courts should have exercised in the present case .
10 I said , if you 'd have said what you should have said at the bloody tribunal .
11 I think we should have said at the first the very first lesson , they just ploughed straight into did n't they ?
12 ‘ They say you should have gone to the very top in the army after the war but you were stopped .
13 I should have gone to the French police at the time , but I did n't , and now the evidence has gone .
14 I said well I said that was the twenty first of it should have gone on the eleventh see but it did n't it go twenty first .
15 Those problems have not been solved — just as we said that they would not be — because the Government did not take the issue seriously enough and did not press as they should have pressed for the substantial reforms that were needed .
16 I should have complained about the first case , but I was inexperienced then .
17 ‘ But somehow , they became rooted in the reserves , whereas we felt they should have zoomed into the premier league and joined the elite of beat . ’
18 If that is the case , the percentage of abnormalities should have increased in the reduced number who were referred .
19 The other was the offspring of doting , bourgeois parents , who should have given off the opposite kind of vibrations .
20 That in ten years she should have risen from a frightened , defiant seventeen-year-old to this .
21 The four key criteria on economic convergence were ( i ) that inflation should be no more than 1.5 per cent above the average of the three best-performing member countries ; ( ii ) that the government deficit should not exceed 3 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) and the public debt should not exceed 60 per cent of GDP ; ( iii ) that the currency should have remained within the 2.25 per cent fluctuation margins in the European Monetary System for at least two years ; and ( iv ) that interest rates should not be more than 2 percentage points above the three best-performing states over the previous 12 months .
22 Stanley knife the UK Intuition remix ( actual A-side ) as it 's a f—ing disgrace , should have stayed with the original MFS mixes , so go search out the import .
23 I think I should have stayed at the old school where they had confidence in me .
24 It was fitting , in the 50th anniversary year of the Battle of Britain , that the Association should have engaged in a full range of activities aimed at meeting its responsibilities towards former members of the Royal Air Force , both men and women .
25 It was ironic that while most of the men I knew seemed inclined to some form of polygamy , Syl , now that he was getting older and had less energy , should have decided on a monogamous relationship with me .
26 It may seem a depressing conclusion to Anselm 's struggle for the primacy that it should have ended in a futile resort to forgery .
27 And what of the runners and riders ; all hard boiled eggs painted in the colours of the jockeys which rode , or rather , should have ridden in the National .
28 Erm but that 's if you just progr project forward where we are cos we used up in , in three months what we should have done for the whole year so you 've only got ta do that , so we 've done a hundred thousand pounds this first quarter and if you 've four more , three more quarters there 's another three hundred thousand pounds over budget .
29 Since then I have done something I should have done in the first place : found a gap in the rushes only ten yards downstream where I can heave into the fish without pulling them into more weed .
30 So I did what I should have done in the first place , I put the wire hangers and small weights on the edges .
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